31. Repealed anti-bribery rule to the delight of the oil
trump eliminated an anti-corruption rule that had required oil and gas companies to disclose payments to foreign governments.
32. Ripped off American taxpayers and avoided fixing
the broken federal coal-leasing program.
33. Halted the first comprehensive review of the federal
coal program in more than 30 years while
simultaneously opening public lands for new leases to
mine coal.
Federal coal lease sales only bring in, on average, $1 per ton in bids, and TAXPAYERS are estimated to be losing $1 billion annually in lost royalty payments on undervalued coal sales.
34. Included major cuts to the Department of the
Interior’s budget that would impair critical maintenance
of our national parks while making a public show of
supporting them.
A few weeks after proposing to cut $1.5 billion, or 12 percent, from the Department of the Interior’s budget, trump had his Press Secretary ceremoniously hand a $78,000 check—trump’s first-quarter earnings—to Secretary of the Interior to help the National Park Service. Here’s the rub: trump’s check only covers 0.01% maintenance” that the National Park Service urgently needs.
35. Pulled the rug from under private investors backing
conservation efforts.
As part of a sweeping executive order aimed at gutting actions the Obama administration took to address climate change, trump rescinded the presidential memorandum that encouraged private investment when developers work to mitigate impacts on natural resources. This action undercuts the economic and environmental gains that the fast-growing restoration industry has made recently to the tune of $1.15 billion between 2014 and 2015 in private capital invested in habitat conservation and water management. These relatively new environmental marketplaces rely on regulatory consistency that President Obama’s memorandum bolstered.
36. Declared open season on baby bears and wolves in
wildlife refuges.
trump overturned a rule that had protected black bear mothers and their cubs from being hunted in their dens. The Obama administration’s “Fair Chase” rule, which applied to national wildlife refuges in Alaska, also limited baiting, trapping, and the use of aircrafts to track and shoot bears and wolves. That’s ALL LEGAL NOW, a present for trump’s sons.
37. Weakened air quality standards for ozone.
Ozone pollution is a KEY CONTRIBUTOR to smog, which can cause more frequent asthma attacks and exacerbate lung diseases. trump’s EPA is moving toward changing air quality standards established under the Obama administration to allow greater ozone pollution. Ground level ozone pollution can increase the frequency of asthma attacks, cause shortness of breath, aggravate lung diseases, and cause permanent damage to lungs through long-term exposure. Elevated ozone levels are linked to increases in hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and premature death, and can cause pronounced health impacts in children and the elderly.
38. Signed an executive order nullifying the “social cost
of carbon.”
trump essentially determined, on his own, that climate change has no cost by eliminating a critical metric used to measure the benefit of cutting carbon pollution.
39. Stopped rules that would limit dumping toxins from
power plants.
trump’s EPA is stopping rules that would limit the dumping of toxins, such as mercury and arsenic, and pollution from power plants into public waterways. These would have been the first protections in more than 30 years to curb toxins and other pollutants in power plants.
40. Changed standards to protect water and wildlife
from lead poisoning.
Hours after riding a horse to his first day on the job, the Secretary of the Interior reversed a ban on using lead bullets for hunting in wildlife refuses. Lead content in these bullets can poison water and wildlife.
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