Why is trump contradicting himself regarding DACA. "I support it, I don't support it. I support it, I don't support it. It's a good deal, it's a bad deal. It's a good deal, it's a bad deal. The compromise is a great deal. the compromise is bad." "The committee's proposal is 'insufficient'." WHY? Because it is!
Please, we need a LEADER in the WH. trump changes his mind every hour, depending upon whom he spoke with last, just before he tweets or speaks to reporters.
The Idiot-in-Chief wants to blame Democrats for the failure of DACA. Republicans own (control) the House, the Senate, and, the president is supposed to be a member of that party, although many now wish to deny that fact. If the bi-partisan Senate committee's proposal is insufficient, then why are there NO negotiations to 'fix' the problem, rather than using politics to blame Democrats.
trump is trying to gain support among his fading base by acting tough. Rather than LAUGH at the idiocy, Democrats need to get ahead of the situation. If the country fails to reach an agreement by Friday, word must be BROADCAST TO EVERYONE IN EVERY WAY, that trump was uniquely and SOLELY RESPONSIBLE.
800,000 DACA recipients contribute to the country's success. They are educated and productive workers, contributing to the tax base and the income we need to run the country. trump believes they ALL live on welfare, or something else, other than being the productive beings they are. I should say, more productive than trump himself. At least, THEY WORK AND PAY TAXES.
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