21. Proposes leaving 23,000 calls for help unanswered
from disaster-struck Americans.
trump’s skinny budget eliminate the Corporation for National and Community Service, which also eliminates AmeriCorps, a vital service program that plays a critical role in mobilizing volunteers to aid with disaster preparedness and response.
22. Slashes the WIC program.
trump’s budget slashes funding for the WIC program puts basic food security at risk for thousands of families. At an annual food cost of about $513 per person, the $200 million cut could help pay for a year’s worth of food and formula for nearly 390,000 participating women, children and infants.
23. The elimination of the HOME Investment
Partnerships Program.
To date, HOME has helped more that 1.2 million families gain access to safe and affordable housing. But this successful program is on trump’s budget chopping block, thereby threatening housing security for thousands of families.
24. Eliminates NeighborWorks America. NeighborWorks America provides grants to community development organizations that help build and maintain affordable housing. The program created 53,649 jobs and assisted 360,009 families with affordable housing in the last year alone.
Environment and energy
25. Cuts to energy programs that save people
The trump budget calls for a 5.6% cut overall to the U.S. Department of Energy. This cut, along with calls for additional funding to nuclear security and waste cleanup, mean that there will be steeper cuts for programs designed to develop household appliances that save families money. trump’s budget proposal also eliminates programs such as ARPA-E, which helps entrepreneurs develop clean, affordable energy, and the Weatherization Assistance Program, which upgrades the homes of low-income families with insulation and cost-effective energy efficient improvements to help reduce utility bills.
26. Allowed a dangerous pesticide to stay on the
market, despite it being a threat to children’s
Chlorpyrifos a common agricultural pesticide that causes neurological harm in children exposed in utero. In 2016, the EPA’s scientists concluded that the agency should ban chlorpyrifos after finding unsafe levels of the chemical on apples, peaches, oranges, strawberries, and other fruits. Dow Chemical, one of the largest producers of products using this chemical, gave $1 million to trump’s inauguration committee and leads a presidential advisory committee on manufacturing. trump’s EPA rejected the findings of the agency’s scientists, denied a petition to ban the chemical, and delayed further action until 2022.
27. Eliminated pollution standards for power plants and
oil and gas facilities.
In his final term, President Obama established the first-ever carbon pollution standards for power plants and the first-ever methane standards for oil and gas drilling facilities. These standards would have reduced soot- and smog-forming pollutants that trigger asthma attacks and cut emissions of carbon and other gases that cause climate change. In March, WITH GREATER FANFARE, trump signed an executive order that started the process of nullifying these pollution standards and making it harder for future presidents to put them back in place.
trump’s budget for the EPA would cut the agency’s funding by 31% and its staff by 25%. trump targeted several popular programs, such as regional efforts to clean up the Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Chesapeake Bay, and other iconic bodies of water.
29. Eliminated programs at the EPA dedicated to
preventing children’s exposure toLEAD-BASED PAINT,
which can cause neurological delays.
An estimated 38 million U.S. homes contain lead-based paint, and in 2015, the Centers for Disease Control found that 243,000 children had elevated levels of lead in their blood. Lead is a neurotoxin that causes permanent nerve damage.
30. Rolled back important protections for drinking
water in coal communities.
One of the trump administration’s first actions was to nix the Stream Protection Rule put in place by the Obama administration to prevent coal companies from polluting nearby streams. Scrapping this environmental protection was a top priority of the coal industry at the expense of clean drinking water in coal communities. Coal companies can mow release their waste water from mining DIRECTLY INTO OUR STREAMS AND RIVERS, ONCE AGAIN.
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