I spent time on Facebook with the objective of enlightening people of what is happening in the country that will affect them, but to which they have no control…UNLESS THEY VOTE. I tried to be a researched voiced, although I realize I did make some errors in a hurry to get out something new about the idiot currently in office.
The opposition slowly dropped out of the communiques and the results were, I found myself “preaching to the choir.” Sure, there were some who tried to present their reasons for supporting trump, but they were beginners.
For the most part, FB was my blogspot, and I thank those who took the time to read my long…long…diatribes, I mean editorials. Once I got going, I could not stop. The words just poured out. There is soooo much left to be said an I’m hoping there are enough of you who will continue to voice their opinions. FB can still change minds with facts and ideas. PLEASE continue. Continue with your opinions. NOT JUST “LIKE,” continue with comments go your own. Stir the pot. If you want something done, be the one to state it. SHARE comments that mean something to you, that people should see and read and, hopefully, understand.
We are at a point in our history, where the U.S. is threatened, our way-of-life is threatened, from WITHIN. We have a megalomaniacal egomaniac running the country as his own fiefdom. He IS A FUEDAL LORD, or believes he is. This, “lord,” will never, ever, take blame for any misdeeds or errors. Every negative will have a “pigeon,” to blame. We are ALL FIEFS. The Buck Stops with YOU!
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