Republicans and trump supporters All believe trump has done a great job in his first year. He has, FOR THE WEALTHY, THE RICH, CORPORATIONS, OIL COMPANIES, HIMSELF AND HIS FAMILY.
Any of you compromised by or affected by one of these?
1. The trump administration scaled back an Obama-era policy of levying heavy fines against nursing homes that harm patients.
On 24 December 2017, (CHRISTMAS EVE, OF ALL TIME, SO IT WOULD NOT GET MUCH MEDIA ATTENTION. The New York Times reported that the trump administration was scaling back an Obama-era policy that ramped up the use of fines on skilled nursing facilities for actions that endangered vulnerable patients that harm residents or place them in grave risk of injury, part of a broader relaxation of regulations under the president.
2. Raised housing payments for new homebuyers by
about $500 in 2017.
On its first day, the trump administration reversed an Obama administration action to lower Federal Housing Administration, or FHA, mortgage insurance premiums for new homebuyers by 25 basis points, which could have lowered mortgage payments for 1 million households purchasing or refinancing their home this year alone.
3. Attacked the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule,
which would have required retirement advisers to act
in their clients’ best financial interest.
trump delayed the rule’s implementation by 60 days and has ordered the department to re- evaluate the rule. This will MAKE IT5 MUCH HARDER TO SAVE FOR RETIREMENT, as high fees from conflicted advice result in savers losing $17 billion in fees annually.
4. Delayed court proceedings on the Obama
administration’s expansion of overtime, failing to
defend the pro-worker rule.
This rule would have raised wages for workers by $12 billion over the next 10 years and extended overtime protections to 4.2 million more Americans.
5. Delayed enforcement of a rule to reduce workers’
exposure to deadly silica dust for three months.
After more than four decades of development, this rule would protect construction and manufacturing workers from inhaling silica, which can lead to lung cancer, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and kidney disease. It would save more than 600 lives and prevent more than 900 new cases of silicosis each year.
6. Repealed the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces
Executive Order, which ensured that federal
contractors complied with worker protection laws
before receiving government contracts.
7. Supported efforts in Congress to CUT TAXES ON
THE WEALTHY that help fund the Affordable Care Act,
or ACA.
As part of Congress’s effort to repeal and replace the ACA, the 3.8% net investment income tax would be repealed at a cost of $157 billion over 10 years, according to CBO. This is revenue needed to fund important programs that ensure basic human living standards and retirement security for tens of millions of working Americans. Based on trump’s rental real estate income ALONE, The Wall Street Journal estimated the repeal would have saved trump, HIMSELF, $3.2 million in taxes in 2016 alone.
8. Tried to cut HIS OWN TAXES by millions of dollars
while taking health insurance from tens of millions of
Based on trump’s leaked 2005 Tax Return Form 1040, repealing the ACA could give him a PERS0NAL TAX CUT of more than $2 million. At the same time, the House legislation to repeal the ACA would have taken health insurance from 21 TO 24 million Americans.
9. Assembled a team of wealthy financial industry elites
to advise trump on tax reform, which he LIES, when he
promised would benefit the middle class.
The tax code is the tool of choice when special favors are doled out to special interests. Despite his campaign promises to drain the swamp, trump has assembled a band of elites to construct his tax reform plan to benefit himself.
10. Made it harder for veterans to find jobs with a
federal hiring freeze.
Veterans received a strong hiring preference for federal jobs, and roughly one-third of all newly hired federal employees in 2015 were veterans. Even if many jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA, are exempt from the hiring freeze, other vacant jobs will still be unavailable at other federal agencies. Of course, this was offset by deep cuts in other Veteran benefits.
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