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About 101ways we've been hurt by trump - 81-90

81. Pressured the Senate to enact the “nuclear option” to get his Supreme Court nominee confirmed. Nearly every other justice on the Court had bipartisan support and crossed the 60-vote threshold at some point during their confirmation process, but many senators objected to trump’s nominee. The nuclear option means Senate leaders can now confirm trump’s ideologically driven judges with a simple majority.

82. Undermined the legitimacy of the court system. 
As a candidate and as president, trump has attacked judges whose rulings he does not like and undermined the legitimacy of these courts. He called a judge who ruled against his discriminatory Muslim ban a “so-called judge.” During the campaign, he said that a Mexican-American judge could not be impartial in a lawsuit against trump due to his ethnicity. These attacks on the third branch of government undermine the founders’ separation of powers as well as the very rule of law.

83. Nominated ideological extremists to federal courts. 
The trump administration is already vetting conservative ideologues, exclusively, to appoint to federal courts. trump’s nominations, particularly for seats on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, signal an aggressive push to bend the federal judiciary ideologically. trump has well over 100 seats to fill—thanks to Senate obstruction during President Obama’s term—and trump recently announced that the administration would no longer seek the recommendation from the nonpartisan American Bar Association.

84. Proposed eliminating the LEGAL SERVICES COIRPORATION. 
Already scarce access to justice will be put even further out of reach for 60.6 million low-income Americans under trump’s proposal to eliminate the Legal Services Corporation—the nation’s main funding stream for civil legal services.

85. Tried but failed to stop Baltimore police reform efforts. 
Attorney General Sessions asked a court at the last minute not to accept a consent decree that was supported by the Baltimore police commissioner, mayor, community members, and career Department of Justice attorneys. The federal court rejected Sessions’ motion, allowing needed police reforms that would build trust between the police and the communities they serve to proceed.

86. Attempted to bring back the war on drugs. 
The outdated strategy was ineffective and caused long-term devastation to thousands of families. Attorney General Sessions is implementing a tough-on-crime approach that would increase federal prosecutions and long prison sentences even for low-level, nonviolent offenders. Even as the Trump administration pushes outdated law-and-order policies, Democratic and Republican governors are making progress on sentencing reform, drug treatment, and alternatives to incarceration.

87. Supported outdated and ineffective criminal justice reforms that 
have a disproportionate impact on communities of color. Attorney General Sessions should be focusing on the need for police reform; supporting innovative crime-reduction strategies; and ensuring drug treatment and alternatives to incarceration are available. Yet, instead, he has ordered a review of current pattern and practice cases of police misconduct where evidence and a clear record has shown a police department has acted with systemic misconduct. He has also questioned decades of research and science rejecting a tough-on-crime 

88. Reversed the Obama era Department of Justice’s order to stop 
contracting with private prison facilities. 
Private prisons create a perverse incentive to incarcerate more people since these companies are motivated to increase profit, which is generated only if there are more inmates filling their facilities. Private prisons that contracted with the Department of Justice were found by the department itself to be less efficient and have more issues with security and management. BTW. SESSIONS OWNS SHARES IN A PRIVATE PRISON COMPANY.

Republicans and trump supporters All believe trump has done a great job in his first year. He has, FOIR THE WEALTHY, THE RICH, CORPORATIONS, OIL COMPANIES, HIMSELF AND HIS FAMILY.
HERE'S 89 to 101. MORE COMING. Any of you compromised by or affected by one of these?

89. Supports economic policies that are detrimental to 
communities of color. 
Many of the budget cuts proposed by trump would cut key social service programs. For example, 41 percent of the 9 million Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC, recipients are people of color. The budget also eliminates the Minority Business Development Agency, which promotes business development for people of color—the fastest growing segment of the population.

90. Supports education policies that do not support students of color. 

The trump administration supports cuts to Pell Grants and tuition assistance programs as well as cuts to after-school programs that would affect 1 in 4 African American students. The administration also supports voucher programs that do not encourage the success of students of color.



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