61. Began to undermine Medicaid.
62. Made ACA marketplace enrollment more difficult.
In the final days of the most recent open enrollment period, the trump administration cancelled Healthcare.gov TV ads and email outreach, which are critical in helping people remember the deadline and enroll in time. Although some of this was restored after a backlash, a former Healthcare.gov chief marketing officer estimated that the administration’s actions reduced enrollment by 480,000 people. Enrollment was still just slightly below (80,000) last year’s FULL enrollment period,
63. Stripped Title X funding.
With the Vice President’s tie-breaking vote, the Senate voted to overturn Obama era protections for Title X providers. trump signed the bill, which allows states to block Title X funding. Title X funding provides critical reproductive, educational, and counseling services related to family planning and contraception to 4 million clients each year.
64. Reinstated the Global Gag Rule.
One of trump’s first actions as president was to reinstate the Global Gag Rule, which prevents recipients of U.S. foreign aid from offering any information, referrals, services, or advocacy regarding abortion care—even if they do so with separate funding sources. The Global Gag Rule will lead to more maternal deaths, more unintended pregnancies, and higher rates of unsafe abortion.
65. CUT FUNDS for the Teen Pregnancy
Prevention Program.
The trump budget included a $50 million reduction in funding for the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, which works with organizations across the United States to implement evidence based, proven programming.
66. Defunded Planned Parenthood.
trump’s health care bill, the AHCA, includes DEFUNDING PLANNED PARENTHOOD, which serveS OVER 2.5 million patients.
Higher education
67. Proposed deep cuts to programs that help make
college more accessible and affordable for low-income
students and students of color.
trump’s budget proposed more than $5 billion in cuts to valuable programs, including the Pell Grant program and the work-study program, which provide needed funds to help low-income students afford the rising cost of college. The cuts also target important college-access programs—including TRIO and GEAR UP—that provide supports such as tutoring, mentoring, and research opportunities to low-income and first-generation students.CUT!
68. Rescinded protections for student loan borrowers. The trump administration WITHDREW MEASURES to PROTECT STRUGGLING STUDENT LOAN BORROWERS and made repayment MORE DIFFICULT by allowing debt collectors to charge a 16% fee—even when the borrower agrees to make good on their debt within 60 days. On April 11, the trump administration stripped away important measures that would hold student loan servicers accountable when their actions are not in the best interest of students. It has been well-documented that servicers sometimes place borrowers in repayment programs that could ultimately make it more difficult for them to repay their debt.
69. Failed to help students when a critical resource for
financial aid and loan repayment was shut down.
In March, WITH NO ADVANCE WARNING, the IRS and U.S. Department of Education disabled a key web-based tool that HELPS MILLIONS OF STUDENTS apply for aid and repay their loans. Failure to notify students put financial aid applicants at risk of losing access to grant aid that helps pay for college and put student loan borrowers at risk of seeing their payments jump by hundreds of dollars.
70. Endangered students by appointing for-profit
college officials to top positions.
The senior counselor to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, joined the administration well before he even left his job at Bridgepoint Education—A FOR-PROFIT COLLEGE COMPANY facing multiple federal investigations. And Taylor Hansen, a former lobbyist FOR FOR-PROFIT COLLEGES—whose father’s student loan debt-collection company sued the Obama administration—served on the department’s “beachhead” team.
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