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About 101ways we've been hurt by trump- 11-20

11. Budget cuts that would devastate rural America. 
trump’s budget eliminates programs that support rural jobs, housing, infrastructure, health care, and economic development. If implemented, these budget cuts will eliminate affordable housing for tens of thousands of struggling rural families, including Veterans; eliminate community service jobs for 18,000 senior citizens living in rural areas; and eliminate critical support for airline connections serving 175 small and rural communities.

12. Dramatically slashing job training programs and worker wage and safety enforcement. 
trump’s proposed fiscal year 2018 budget could result in 2.7 million adults and youths losing access to job training and employment services in 2018.

13. Budget cuts would increase roadway congestion 
and reduce economic productivity. 
The budget calls for eliminating the TIGER grant program at the U.S. Department of Transportation, or USDOT, which funds innovative surface transportation projects. Additionally, the budget calls for the phased elimination of the New Starts program within the Federal Transit Administration, which funds major public transportation projects. Rail and bus rapid transit projects help to reduce roadway congestion and air pollution while spurring economic development.

14. Budget cuts threaten billions in loans and 
investments to distressed communities. 
The new budget eliminates the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, which supports billions of dollars in financing across low-income communities, including more than $300 million in rural and Native American communities, as well as the Economic Development Administration and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, costing another $300 million or more that is annually invested in community growth. Without federal support, economic development in these locations will suffer, including small-business development.

15. Reneged on his promise to disclose his tax returns. trump’s refusal leaves Americans in the dark about whether any tax reform he proposes will benefit him or working Americans. trump repeatedly stated before and after he was elected that he would disclose his tax returns. While initially he said he could not release them because he was being audited—a fact that does not prevent anyone from releasing their returns—his counselor, Kellyanne Conway has now said, “He’s not going to release his tax returns.”

16. A $6.7 billion cut to housing and community support programs. 
trump’s budget eliminates the Community Development Block Grant, used by 1,265 local communities for important initiatives such as Meals on Wheels, neighborhood rehabilitation, the development of affordable housing, job training, and business expansion. The Housing Choice Vouchers program will also experience deep cuts in funding, as will other programs providing supportive services for the elderly and persons with disabilities. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, about 200,000 families will no longer receive a housing voucher to pay for their rental costs and could eventually face homelessness in a housing market where there is a severe shortage of affordable housing.

17. Attacked neutral budget analysts so that lawmakers
ignore negative effects from their policies. 
The trump administration attacked the nonpartisan CBO in an attempt to preemptively discredit their estimates related to legislation repealing the ACA. These attacks continued after the CBO estimated that the House ACA repeal bill would take coverage away from 24 million Americans by 2026. This is part of a larger attempt by the trump administration to discredit independent data and analysis in order to obscure the negative impacts that their agenda will have for working families. 

18. Undermined investor protection by making it harder 
for the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, 
to hold Wall Street accountable. 
An independent and vigorous Division of Enforcement at the SEC is vital to preserving free and fair financial markets for investors. After the Bernie Madoff scandal, Obama’s administration made it easier for Division of Enforcement staff to open investigations and issue subpoenas to protect investors and get to the bottom of suspected malfeasance. The new chair inexplicably rolled back this change, hindering the SEC’s ability to protect the AVERAGE INVESTOR from financial wrongdoing. He has also proposed rolling back key advances in corporate transparency, including regarding human rights risks in supply chains and the pay ratio between CEOs and the median worker.

19. Funding cuts for programs that help 
support and encourage small business development. trump’s budget cuts funding for several programs that help groups with historically low business ownership rates overcome barriers to becoming entrepreneurs, including the PRIME technical assistance grants for low-income micro-entrepreneurs; the Minority Business Development Agency, and the Economic Development Administration.

20. Attempted to make it harder for entrepreneurs to get
access to affordable health. 

The ACA helps millions of entrepreneurs obtain access to health care without relying on a spouse or employer, which allows them to take one of the necessary risks associated with starting a business. His health plan, the American Health Care Act, or AHCA, would reduce access to health care and make it more expensive for many people to get comprehensive health care coverage.


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