The Temp President has created a mess. His vindictive Captain Queeg act and a Captain Ahab, McConnell, at the helm. Now, a fugleman, Peter Lorre impersonator Lindsey Graham, has decided, amidst the clutter and chaos caused by the new Trump Party, to emulate his not-so-divine leader.
The new Senate Judiciary Chairman has decided during this period of Trump-inspired confusion and disorderliness, to dig up old, settled issues.
He’s decided to use the committee to begin investigations of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton; maybe Benghazi. Of course, this is nothing but another infant being placed in a position of being able to turn on the gas on the kitchen stove. Pampers diapers must be doing great business in D.C.
Trump promised that following the elections, he would request these inquiries. Now, as the self-appointed Lord of Congress, he has his sycophants bidding his orders. Neither he nor McConnell nor Graham nor McCarthy nor 53 Senate Republicans are aware of their independence from the WH.
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