Conservative Pundits and right-wing extremists are complaining that their exalted leader’s “caved.” However, the people getting hurt were not the gainful politicians nor the highly-paid pundits, but average working people in the country.
Pundit actually means a person who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field. Most conservative pundits do not have the eruditeness to qualify, generally refusing to research or present facts. They also lie - a lot.
These people have an agenda; they just haven’t yet realized that it’s Trump’s agenda, which is to make Trump richer.
Ann Coulter says Trump should feel the "fear of God" in 2020 if he doesn't build the wall, as he promised his supporters. She does not mention that promise also included Mexico paying for it.
These people don’t mention that Trump will undoubtedly use his own construction firm and/or people to build that wall. Guess who will profit?
Extremists say Democrats are unwilling to negotiate. However, it was Trump who said, “No wall, no negotiation!”
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