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It's time to stop talking about this and act!

Republicans who support the Demented Person-in-Charge, please respond to this survey. Do you ever read or listen to any news other than FOX, Limbaugh, Colter or other Republican rags?
Ever hear Trump say, “Mexico will pay for the wall?” He says never said that. However, he did say, “Mexico will write out a check for $5 to $10 billion to build the wall. A one-time payment of $5 to10 billion.” 
His promise was to build the wall, ignoring his other promise “Mexico will pay for it.” BTW, the 1,300 mile wall will cost over $3.9 million per mile, excluding private land purchases.
Ever hear him contradict his own decisions within 24 hours? He says never. Moreover, he denies ever saying statements captured on camera.
Giuliani says, neither he nor Trump ever said “No collusion.” Did you not hear them say no collusion? 
Trump verbalized over 7,800 proven lies in twenty-four months. Did you know that? Foreign countries and elected officials in the U.S., have no confidence in making any deal with him. His word means nothing.
How about his excuse for pulling soldiers out of Syria - “ISIS has been defeated,” or “ISIS is no more”? A few weeks later, four Americans (two were military), killed in an ISIS’ bomb attack in Syria. He says he’ll postpone the pullout till December 2019. A week later, it’s back on. You never heard that I bet. 
“‘Obamacare’ is collapsing”? Enrollments were actually up. Were you aware? 
Trump boasted he has proof three to five million ‘illegals’ voted in 2016; his excuse for losing the election by just under 3 million votes. Were you one of the ten people who believed that?
Are there caravan’s of drug smugglers, deliberately contaminated people, terrorists, rapists, murderers and “just bad people” coming into the country? The pilgrims who ran to the wall were protesting and were gassed. They were not trying to break through the gates. 
Walls keep people out, except, seven-year-old Jakelin Caal Maquin who died after crossing over the wall. 
A few weeks later, eight-year-old Felipe Gomez Alonzo and his father crossed over the wall near Paso Del Norte Port of Entry in El Paso, Texas, Felipe died in U.S. customs care, on Christmas, in Alamogordo, N.M. 
Trump “auditioned” contractors to build tax-payer paid sample walls under his approved specifications.  Differently designed walls were built and recently tested by the military and Border Patrol. They were easily penetrated using saws and tools purchased at Home Depot. Trump now says, “Those walls were built under  specifications from a previous administration (Obama?).” Did he pass blame, yet again?  
Trump declared he would appoint only the “smartest and most qualified,” to Cabinet posts and other positions in the White House. In two years, he’s fired, or asked to resign, as incompetent, more Cabinet Secretaries, officials and staff than any five presidents in history through entire eight-year-terms. 
I am limited in space here to relate the thousands of lies and false accusations that strongly affect, destroy and make the U.S. the laughing stock of the world, from this administration and the despicable, entitled, the stereotype of an old used car shyster they call their leader.
Donald Trump has managed to destroy our Constitution. No longer are Congress, Supreme Court or Executive branches separate and equal bodies. The first two are now tools for the newly, self-appointed autocrat to use as sycophants to manipulate and formally approve his agenda.  

Trump must go!


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