Since Trump’s ascension to the throne of Ruler, news media has been obsessed with his 7,500 plus lies and his numerous faux pas. Discussions include panels of “experts” discussing his non-sensical diatribes and fabrications, leave no room to discuss actual news.
Networks have highly paid analysts bombarded with questions about Trump’s character and whether he’s still (never was) competent. What about hard, informative news?
We have problems regarding infrastructure, crumbling roads, failing bridges; health and health insurance crises; our world is in turmoil; children being torn from parents arms; increasing murder rates; breathable air dissipating; our water is once again be poisoned; our education system is controlled by far-right extremists with an agenda to under-educate future generations; veteran care actually being reduced, not increased; growing homelessness; and, more.
Our Statue of Liberty’s welcome, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore”? It now means, ‘Go Home! Leave us alone.’
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