Trump and his sycophants and lemmings constantly ‘brag’ about his massive win in 2016. He still brings it up every chance he gets, over two years past. Many even believe it. After two years, apple polishers have probably made the base believe the biggest lie of all.
Certified results showed Clinton receiving 65,844,610 votes, while Trump receiving 62,979,636; a difference of 2,864,974. Only uneducated people or poor students, such as the president, could subtract the lower number and extrapolate “greater support,” or “a win” from the American people. Numbers-wise, this was one of, if not the greatest general election defeats in U.S. History.
The out-dated Electoral College gave 306 to Trump and 232 to Clinton. Even if Democrats had turned out in larger numbers, their chances of substantial legislative gains were limited by Republican gerrymandering. Most states have a winner-take-all electoral rule, while some still split. It’s the splitting of votes that created the disaster we’re in today.
Do not believe this lie.
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