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How could SESSION tell Trump he'd recuse himself

How could Sessions recuse himself from the Russia investigation when it began AFTER HE WAS ALREADY SWORN IN? Only logicxal, sane peoploe would bother to check the dates.  Our self-proclaimed, “most intelligent person in Washington,” selected Jeff Sessions as his AG on November 18, 2016. Sessions took the oath on February 9, 2017.  The Justice Department ‘officially’ appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel in the Department of Justice's Russia investigation on May 17, 2017, to lead the inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Check the dates. How could Sessions be “guilty” of not telling Trump he would recuse himself in the Russian investigation if the investigation had not yet begun? On January 5, 2017, the US intelligence community publicly confirmed Russia's interference in the 2016 election and accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of personally ordering the operation. In February. 2017, Trump himself said, “I am not a target i...

Trump is NOT a student off History

On May 25, your Embarrassment-in-Chief, Donald Trump, discussed the illy-conceived tariffs he’s imposing on Canada (and Mexico) with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.  In discussing the “national security issues” excuse for the imposition of this levee, Trudeau asked Trump how these tariffs could be justified. Trump actually responded with, "Didn't you guys burn down the White House?”   British troops burned down the White House during the War of 1812, in retaliation for our earlier destruction of York, Ontario - a territory not yet Canada. Trump was asked, “Is that a joke?” Trump replied, "To the degree one can ever take what is said as a joke. The impact on Canada and ultimately on workers in the US won't be a laughing matter.” Months previously, Trump personally assured Trudeau that Canada would likely be exempt from these tariffs.  Republican Bob Corker questioned the advisability of such a tax on close allies. He called this action dangerous. On Jun...


Once again, Trump diffuses the original story with innuendo. He makes significant threats, daily, regarding North Korea. He continues his verbal attacks against Kim Jung Un and can’t fathom why the Dictator (I mean Kim, here), has second thoughts about the meeting. Negotiation means that there would be "give and take" and many sides. One party presents “request/demands,” and the other side does likewise. Items and trade-offs are made - or not. I am certain Kim has his list prepared. Trump is demanding that North Korea completely and verifiably denuclearize, prior to the meeting. No negotiation. And, just days before final arrangements are confirmed, he threatens an “overthrow.” North Korea retaliates with a warning of a “nuclear-to-nuclear  showdown.” Square one! Both of these Autocrats are liars and can’t be trusted (look at Trump’s record). Their proclamations are often reversed within 24 hours.  Now, Trump blames the Democrats because “…they are so obvious...

Who pays for the Tax Cuts?

Trump regular brags, falsely, about “The biggest tax cuts in history.” The average citizen ends up with $2,400 per year, enough for a movie and dinner. The rich will be looking for new homes in Spain. But the citizenry is happy with their temporary cuts. That is until you figure what those small cuts cost. Fewer Federal income means less money to the states, counties, cities, towns, and all they supply. Less for education and infrastructure. With less coming in, where will the dollars come from? Income taxes in many states, Arizona included, are increasing, and other State taxes, city, county and state property taxes (which support infrastructure and education), energy taxes, utility taxes, tariffs and import duties will per going up, so will purchasing costs.  Trump wants a thirty-cent per gallon increase in gasoline taxes. If you drive 30,000 miles per year, that increase alone will cost you an extra $9,000 per year. But remember, tax cuts you supported saved you $2,400 ...


More lies regarding school safety. Pence, the sycophant, should know about lying from the Old and New Testaments - “Ye shall not bear false witness…?”   Trump, of course, has never seen or read a Bible. His recent comments regarding his signing a bill which purportedly gives $2 billion in Federal Funds for school safety is an insult to the children, teens and adults who’ve died in too many school shootings. He is simply trying to placate the surviving relatives and the NRA. His “I’m so GREAT” tour is insulting.  The bill provided only $1.7 billion - $1.1 billion of which is for schools grants programs. It will replace President Obama’s already authorized SSAE (Title IV-A), block grant of $1.6 billion. Trump wants to eliminate Title 4-A in 2019. Experts estimated that the actual amount dedicated to school safety for fifty states is about $220 million effective September 2019. Trump wants to cut safety funding to $2 million for all schools and eliminate the STOP prog...

WHERE IS THE RELIGION IN TRUMP? Point it out, please.

Millions of people still support Trump. Why? People with whom Trump has taken peace of mind, dignity, respect, pride, and more. He gave a 'tax cut.' That gave the average recipient a hundred dollars or so in their pockets. His friends got millions. However, due to these cuts, Medicare, medicine, local taxes (i.e., R.E. and property, sales, State Income) are increasing, making those tax-cuts void. In fact, the average middle-class citizen will net LESS after his cuts than before. It's all a DECEPTION.  In 2017, Trump earned $288 million. In 2018, $453+ million. How much more are you NETTING. He created potential trade wars, which will negatively affect produce producing states, then pushed significant cuts in Farm Subsidies. Farmers cannot find labor for harvests. Trump has: eliminated the Clean Air and Water Acts; cut public education funds, cut credits and increased tariffs related to ecology; cut MPG ratings; eliminated National parks. He eliminated middle-class workers...

Trump has NOI SENSE of decency

I am not a McCain supporter. However, in his aging process, and his disdain for Donald Trump, I have come to admire the man for his courage to speak out, unconcerned with his party’s opinions. His friend, Joe Biden, a man I have respected for many years, said in a statement, “People have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with this administration. It happened yesterday. Given this White House's trail of disrespect toward John and others, this staffer is not the exception to the rule; she is the epitome of it.” It’s representative of Trump. Still no admonition of Kelly Sadler or firing by Trump. McCain gave a ‘thumbs down’ on the ACA vote, and the vindictive person in the WH never forgets an ‘insult.’ This vengeful, despicable unqualified man has no decency. After he pulls out of the Iran deal, NAFTA, TPP, Paris Agreement and others, how can Kim Jung Il possibly trust him? He turns on his personal enemies and our allies and friends.

Lies ARE Contagious

An Ohio State University research study may prove that lies told by Trump and the Russian subversion campaign affected the vote against Hillary Clinton. Repetitious lies can affect everyone when used in such a continuous and insistent manner as it was. The fake stories most repeated regarded Hillary’s health and frailty after her bout with the flu, are: Trump’s constant hacking at her health and stamina throughout the campaign. After 16 months, he has now taken more long “weekends” and rounds of golf in one year than any previous president has in eight years in office; and, his self-claimed, phony endorsement by Pope Francis never happened. It was a ploy to get Christian voters; and, the ridiculous lie that Hillary approved the sale of weapons to Islamic jihadists, “including ISIS.” He twisted facts so tightly that the knots still cannot be untied. People still believe that prevarication. In all, 38% of Obama voters simply defected while an additional 11% more accepted one or all of ...

The MOST Vindictive President in History

Donald Trump continues his rampage against Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, texting, “I am right about Amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money for being their Delivery Boy. Amazon should pay these costs (plus) and not have them bourne (sic) by the American Taxpayer. Many billions of dollars. P.O. leaders don’t have a clue (or do they?)!” These accusations are more lies he made up, as he’s prone to do. A source says,  “It's been explained to him in multiple meetings that his perception is inaccurate and that the post office actually makes a ton of money from Amazon.” Like everything else, he ignores facts and prefers lies. Trump has had a years-long ‘belief’ that Amazon couldn’t be profitable without cheating people. Sound familiar. The Washington Post investigations and leaks coverage, have long angered this vindictive man. Bezos owns the Post. The U.S. Postal Service has enjoyed double-digit increases in its revenue from delivering packages for its ...


Donald J. Trump is badly in need of therapy. He has begun a deep dive into the abyss, adding to the thousands of deliberate lies he has already spoken or tweeted. My problem is how can so many people still believe in this man and even follow him into that chasm of deception and treason. Needing a reason to fire Andrew McCabe, he turns to McCabe’s wife and her losing Senate Campaign, lying about her relationship with Hillary Clinton. There was none. He lied. She did not receive funds from Clinton directly. Unfortunately, the egotistical individual in the Oval Office cannot forget that Clinton received 3 million more votes. A fact he deliberately ignores and contradicts because, to use his phrase, “He sometimes makes things up in his head.” Now, he is dying to start a war, since George W. Bush stated he wanted to be a “War-time president.” Now, despite the rules, he wants to send troops to guard the border. The problem is, there are prohibitions on using so-called Title 10 forc...

Doomed to repeat HISTORY

Hitler is the poster boy of lies. His Nazi Propaganda, based on fear and hatred, portrayed Jewish people as the enemy of all classes of society. He used coercion, terror and mass manipulation to brainwash people into believing his lies. “Those people” were responsible for all the woes and problems of Germans, rich and poor. The Jews! The aftermath of World War I was a great starting point for him to begin his quest for total world domination, when people were tired of “losing,” unaware their “failures,” were created in the mind of Hitler.  Today, we have someone in the WH creating the same hysteria that began in 1930, attacking: Muslims; Mexicans; previous administration; opponents; celebrities; Justice Department; FBI; and, Press. We have a president who now not only ignores history, he can’t remember it. ‘Those who do ignore history are doomed to repeat it’ is more than an adage. The actual phrase - ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’ - i...

Trump uses private cell phone

It is ironic that Donald Trump is conducting State Business on his personal cell phone. We, the citizens of this Democratic Republic, have no idea with whom the president speaks, nor the deals he’s negotiating. Neither do his advisors, including John Kelly. Some are private calls, but what about his foreign calls. And his calls to members of the Republican Congress.  Yes, Barak Obama used a private phone, after a great deal of time where sit was confiscated. But, it was set up with enhanced security to protect potentially classified conversations. Scrambling was also added. The President's increased cell phone making his calls more vulnerable to eavesdropping from foreign governments.  Trump made a big deal out of Hillary Clinton’s private cell phone use. It was a major part of his campaign. Put her in jail.   Of course, Vladimir Putin has a private phone. Why not Trump? Putin even made a big deal about giving Trump his private phone number. 


As a presidential candidate , Donald Trump seemed quite animated on the issue of China and its alleged currency manipulation. He vowed to label China a currency manipulator literally on his first day in office (Jan. 20, 2018).   BROKEN  In March 2017, Trump blasted China as the “ grand champions ” of currency manipulation. A year ago (April 2017) he said that China actually isn’t manipulating its currency. April 16, 2018, Trump declared on Twitter that China is “playing the Currency Devaluation game (manipulating the currency),” which he added is “not acceptable!” Three days after the Trump administration last admitted China is not devaluing its currency – the third time in a year Trump’s administration had made this assessment – Trump personally declared that China is devaluing its currency. Yet, he pointed to no proof and offered no explanation for why he rejected his own Treasury Department’s findings. He said it was simply his own assessment and ...

Trump orders DHS to monitor the media.

Trump mimics Nazis attempts to control media. He systematically ignores advisors, aides, experts about these efforts. He believes he doesn’t need them. He says he “makes things up.” Even aides have no idea what fiction or lies he will deliver.  To support his calls and attacks of “Fake News,” and to find out where these “media influencers”  get their information and how it’s processed, Trump now has ordered his DHS to create a new database to track and monitor journalists, media, press, newspapers, magazines, bloggers, social media, correspondents, editors, television reporters and more.   Called DHS Media Monitoring, they are taking bids to create this 24/7 system. Criteria are the ability to “present contact details and any other information that could be relevant including publications this influencer writes for, and an over of the previous coverage published by the influencer.” This is a world-wide effort of over 250,000 global news outlets. 
Donald Trump is a very dangerous man. He pleaded sympathy for DACA immigrants, asking Congress to “fix” it. On Easter Sunday, he promised, “There will be no deal (to legalize) DACA,” stating it is up to Mexico to stop the flow of immigrants and drugs to the U.S. If not, AFTA negotiations will be “stopped,” and the U. S. will drop out.  Trump unilaterally stopped DACA protections, yet he blames the Democrats. We know he forgets facts, including that the Democrats are the minority party in both houses.  Trump admitted he makes things up - a danger when he is an out-of-control autocrat.  He stated he needs no Chief of Staff or Communications Director, believing he can run the government alone. He makes major decisions and brash, inflammatory statements without advising or receiving input from staff, advisors or experts, while totally unaware that a president’s words have universal consequences. And, he doesn’t seem to care.  Trump’s support of Putin an...

The trump administration has totally mislead the public on Net Neutraliy.

This is totally misleading and false. Net Neutrality means that all traffic, that means data, traveling across the internet should be treated the same at each stage of the process.  That roughly means that whether a particular packet of data is video from Netflix , HTML from the Guardian, or a P2P file being sent across BitTorrent, it's given the SAME priority along the same routes as each other. NO ONE has priority access, or a "fast lane.” NO ONE would have to pay more to get faster service or data speed. Netflix and Guardian send the data at the same speed. ALL OF THEIR CLIENTS RECEIVE THE SAME DATA AT THE SAME SPEED! This is one of the key principles around the governance and structure of the internet, and one the FCC and the previous Obama administration both supported. Without Net Neutrality, Netflix can send data to your neighbor at a faster speed, IF THEY OPT TO PAY EXTRA, and you would receive it free at a slightly slower speed or lower cost.  Abolish...

Even a Republican denies Intelligence committee was honest.

Tom Rooney, a Republican Congressman from Florida, stated, unequivocally, that the House Intelligence Committee, actually had evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, in favor of Donald Trump. He said, "there is evidence" showing the Russians attempted to help Trump during the 2016 presidential election, contradicting a draft report from the panel. He continued, ”I certainly think there is evidence of that. I don't know that necessarily there was a full-fledged campaign to do everything that they could to help elect Donald Trump," Rooney told host Erin Burnett on CNN's "OutFront." "I think that their goal was chaos.” The Intelligence Community has stated, and Rooney believes, that Moscow's intention "was to hurt Hillary Clinton," and that the Kremlin "wanted to explicitly help Donald Trump.”  This action is further obstruction of justice by the Republicans in Congress. It is a political effort to cover up f...

Trump has Ingored Russia and American Problems too long

To put it succinctly, Donald Trump it is unfair to the country that remains President of the United States. John Brennan (former director of the CIA) put it succinctly when he said, Trump is "unstable, inept, inexperienced, and also unethical.” He also said, "...our country needs to have confidence that we're going to be able to deal with Mr. Putin, who is flexing his muscles once again on the military front, that we can deal with North Korea, that we can deal with these issues. And if we have somebody in the Oval Office who is unstable, inept, inexperienced, and also unethical - we have rough waters ahead. When I hear what Vladimir Putin was saying just yesterday about the nuclear capabilities he has, the President of the United States is tweeting about Alec Baldwin this morning, I mean, where is your sense of priorities?" There has been no response to Russia’s proven “attack” on our cyber system and the election interference. There has been no response to Putin...

Police shooter the Savior

Here's an almost deadly reminder about armed civilians "trying to help."      He disarmed a possible church shooter — then…                                                                      

Just which party id 'soft on crime?' Two guesses...

 Amazing. Florida allows anyone to buy a gun and carry open on the streets of the state. It virally allows anyone under the age of eight to shoot. Yet, rather than demand an inquiry into how t5hi9s could be allowed, he demands an inquiry into the Sheriff, in effect, blaming him for the onslaught. Donald Trump cancelled President Obama’s order to keep guns out of the hands of those with mental problems and a history of violence. Florida Governor Scott says, “People with mental problems should not be able to obtain guns.” They weren’t able to do so until Trump removed that restriction.  The Air Force neglected to report a man court-martialed for domestic abuse to the FBI. This was part of Obama’s restrictions, eliminated by Trump. Federal law prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms after this conviction. The man killed 26 people in a church.  The National Rifle Association (NRA) claims that it supports vigorous enforcement of our nation's gun laws and...

The FACTS about who supported guns for all.

FYI:  Those gun proponents on the right have inundated social media with FALSE claims from many respected leaders since George Washington. They are the usual LIES told by the extremists of the right, ala Wayne LaPierre.  For example, the Douglas students speaking out against guns are NOT PAID ACTORS or paid Liberal antagonists. They ARE STUDENTS.  Now, George Washington DID NOT say, ”A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms  and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include our own government.” OUT OF CONTEXT. HE DID SAY, “Among the many interesting objects, which will engage your attention, that of providing for the common defence(sic) will merit particular regard. To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined ; to which end a Uniform and well ...

Armed warfare is NOT a teacher's responsibility

I know that you want (need) the facts. Especially now, after the notorious Wayne LaPierre, the ignorant, lying, belligerent, antagonistic leader of the NRA stated at CPAC today that it was the NRA that created the universal National Instant Criminal Background Check System.  It just takes a second to find the facts, but too many are willing to take as gospel, the lying words of a person who makes a living promoting the sale of guns. That is the purpose of the NRA, to represent gun manufacturers.  The NICS was enacted as a recommendation and MANDATE of the Brady Handgun Prevention Act of 1993. This followed there shooting of Brady during the Reagan assassination attempt. It took a while for there FBI to develop the rules and fight legal challenges by the NRA, and was finally launched by the FBI in 1998. The Brady Act mandated that dealers perform a background check. Before that, they simply asked a customer, “Are you a bad guy? “Do you have a record?” That was it....

Chutzpah? I think so.

CHUTZPAH? In India, conducting family business, Donald Trump Jr. said that any talk of his family profiting from his father's presidency is “nonsense." He is totally oblivious to the fact that ethical concerns about using the name of the American president to promote international business ventures are rampant. Junior is in India specifically to meet promoters and buyers of Trump-brand luxury homes in the country. He says his family is actually missing out on business opportunities because his father pledged to conduct no new foreign business while he was in office. Even though proof exists that this is a lie, h persists in relaying the falsehood.  Junior says people forget about "the opportunity cost of the deals that we were not able to do.” Asked, “Like what? He had no comment. "It's sort of a shame. Because we put on all these impositions on ourselves and essentially got no credit for actually doing that ... for doing the right thing,"...

NO WALL, say all intelligent presidents.

From my cousin: January 16, 2018            TRUMP’S WALL (this in parentheses for you not to be printed but just need to know if you are able to take a photo I can send online and just circle to get my face) I also can suggest a photo of the Chamizal border conflict but don’t know how to get that to you as you did write me once and ask me to include a photo) Please contact me again at or call 480-231-6285 (Start here) BAD MATH AND BAD MOUTH PROP UP TRUMP’S WALL President Obama said,” a country surrounded by walls only imprisons themselves”. Senator John McCain said, “we became the most powerful nation in the world by tearing down walls, not building them”. President Reagan said, “tear down that wall” In 1963, JFK made a trip to El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico to settle a border dispute that had gone on for almost 100 years and involved “the Chamizal” a piece of land that bordered the Rio Grande. The ...

No money for mental health

As part of his response to the shooting in Parkland, Florida, Donald Trump said his administration would "tackle the difficult issue of mental health ." A fter all, as he misstates, these shootings are mental health issues, not gun issues. So, what has he done? Trump said he wants $13 billion for both issues. But this month, he signed a two-year bill, including just $6 billion for opium and mental health care. The problem is, that same budget proposed massive cuts to Medicaid that they say would devastate the nation's mental health care system.  Slashing Medicaid, which pays twenty-five percent of mental health issues, means taking mental health care away from vulnerable populations who need it the most. These populations include problem children who are vulnerable to participate in the same attacks as the Parkland shooter.  We have no gun controls because it’s a mental health problem. And, we have a Republican Congress and President who swear to support men...
In 2016, Barack Obama required the Social Security Administration to submit records of mentally disabled people to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the FBI database used to determine whether someone can buy a firearm under the 1993 Brady Bill. This applied to approximately 75,000 people deemed to be mentally defective.   On February 28, 2017,  Trump signed a bill to undo Obama’s important executive action, thereby allowing those individuals with mental problems to purchase weapons.   House NRA Representatives voted 235 to 180 and Senate NRA Representatives voted 57 to 43 in favor of voiding these protections.  Now, these same NRA Representatives are claiming they can’t imagine how the Parkland shooting happened. They will look into it, but, “now is not the time to bring it up.”  “Too soon.” “But, it’s not guns…”
Mueller indicts 13 Russians for interfering in the American Democracy of Free Elections. Trump claims personal vindication: “The Trump campaign did nothing wrong — no collusion!” as he wrote on Twitter . Not a single word about the United States or our autonomy or safety or democracy.  When Nikita Khrushchev sent missiles to Cuba on October 13, 1963, a young man in the oval office, John F. Kennedy (a real President), said, ‘Not on my watch.’ He sent the entire military. When Muammar Gaddafi attacked a West Berlin Discotheque  in 1986, an old man in the oval office, Ronald Reagan (a real President), said, ‘Not on my watch.’ He sent Navy, Marine and Air Force planes to Libya.  When Osama bin ladin attacked the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, George W. Bush sent troops to Afghanistan. Mistakes were made, but he did defend the United States as the Oath of Office demands. We, the united States of America was attacked by foreign powers.  Donald Tru...