Amazing. Florida allows anyone to buy a gun and carry open on the streets of the state. It virally allows anyone under the age of eight to shoot. Yet, rather than demand an inquiry into how t5hi9s could be allowed, he demands an inquiry into the Sheriff, in effect, blaming him for the onslaught.
Donald Trump cancelled President Obama’s order to keep guns out of the hands of those with mental problems and a history of violence. Florida Governor Scott says, “People with mental problems should not be able to obtain guns.” They weren’t able to do so until Trump removed that restriction.
The Air Force neglected to report a man court-martialed for domestic abuse to the FBI. This was part of Obama’s restrictions, eliminated by Trump. Federal law prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms after this conviction. The man killed 26 people in a church.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) claims that it supports vigorous enforcement of our nation's gun laws and efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Yet, the NRA has actually worked to put guns back into criminals' hands. In the NRA’s federal "relief from disability" program, the NRA has worked to expand and protect this guns-for-felons program that has rearmed thousands of convicted—and often violent—felons. Trump says he supports this.
The Firearm Owners' Protection Act (also known as FOPA or McClure/Volkmer for the bills' Senate and House sponsors), as it’s called, expanded the program to allow felons convicted of gun crimes to obtain “relief." And gun criminals certainly took advantage of the program. Of the 100 sample cases obtained by the Violence Policy Center, eight were for firearm violations, including two convictions for illegal sales of machine gunsRunning the "relief from disability" program cost taxpayers in excess of $21 million between 1985 and 1991, requiring the manpower of roughly 40 full-time staffers.
Who funds these efforts? Running the "relief from disability" program cost taxpayers in excess of $41 million a year, requiring the manpower of roughly 40 full-time staffers.
And the hyperlocal Republicans will do nothing substantial except to claim the issue is that of mental health and the FAKE NEWS that it’s the democrats who are soft on crime.
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