I know that you want (need) the facts. Especially now, after the notorious Wayne LaPierre, the ignorant, lying, belligerent, antagonistic leader of the NRA stated at CPAC today that it was the NRA that created the universal National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
It just takes a second to find the facts, but too many are willing to take as gospel, the lying words of a person who makes a living promoting the sale of guns. That is the purpose of the NRA, to represent gun manufacturers.
The NICS was enacted as a recommendation and MANDATE of the Brady Handgun Prevention Act of 1993. This followed there shooting of Brady during the Reagan assassination attempt. It took a while for there FBI to develop the rules and fight legal challenges by the NRA, and was finally launched by the FBI in 1998. The Brady Act mandated that dealers perform a background check. Before that, they simply asked a customer, “Are you a bad guy? “Do you have a record?” That was it.
The NRA spent millions in an effort to prevent this system. In fact, the system of gun registration was discussed as early as the 1930’s. Firearm dealers were required to be licensed in 1968, under a Federal Law (obviously created by much more intelligent representativeness than those serving in Congress today.
Congress today has done things such as refusing to omit people with records or those on the anti-fly list from being able to buy guns. Then, last year, after President Obama placed restrictions on those with mental illnesses from buying guns, Trump removed that restriction. The same Donald Trump who now says gun violence is a mental issue problem and those people should not have guns.
Their answer, sell more guns to teachers. The teachers should defend the violent, shooting perpetrators with an AK 15 using a small hand gun.
Folks, please tell me it is your desire to have a stressed-out teacher, making little money (not enough to put up with the garbage a teacher has to go through today), in one of the lowest paying jobs in America, teaching our future generations, have a shootout with your child or grandchild in the middle. Tell me you want Miss Grindel attack a someone shooting 30 rounds per second of 5.56 mm NATO ammo of 77 grain ammo from a 30 bullet magazine, using her .38 caliber, weapon using .32 ACP ammo, with 8 rounds in the chamber?
The President of the Florida State Legislature said (I paraphrase), ‘I have a friend who likes to hunt wild boar. He prefers to use an AK 47. We don’t have the right to tell him what to use to hunt.’
First of all, his friend is NOT a very good hunter. People have hunted wild boars, buffaloes and rhinos for hundreds of years, WELL BEFORE AK47’S, AK15’S AND OTHERS WERE EVEN INVENTED. They were able to kill wild boars.
President Obama said, “Weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets…” The only purpose of these weapons is to kill as many people (hopefully the enemy) as possible, in the quickest time.
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