As part of his response to the shooting in Parkland, Florida, Donald Trump said his administration would "tackle the difficult issue of mental health." After all, as he misstates, these shootings are mental health issues, not gun issues.
So, what has he done? Trump said he wants $13 billion for both issues. But this month, he signed a two-year bill, including just $6 billion for opium and mental health care. The problem is, that same budget proposed massive cuts to Medicaid that they say would devastate the nation's mental health care system.
Slashing Medicaid, which pays twenty-five percent of mental health issues, means taking mental health care away from vulnerable populations who need it the most. These populations include problem children who are vulnerable to participate in the same attacks as the Parkland shooter.
We have no gun controls because it’s a mental health problem. And, we have a Republican Congress and President who swear to support mental health issues while cutting the budget.
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