Tom Rooney, a Republican Congressman from Florida, stated, unequivocally, that the House Intelligence Committee, actually had evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, in favor of Donald Trump. He said, "there is evidence" showing the Russians attempted to help Trump during the 2016 presidential election, contradicting a draft report from the panel. He continued, ”I certainly think there is evidence of that. I don't know that necessarily there was a full-fledged campaign to do everything that they could to help elect Donald Trump," Rooney told host Erin Burnett on CNN's "OutFront." "I think that their goal was chaos.”
The Intelligence Community has stated, and Rooney believes, that Moscow's intention "was to hurt Hillary Clinton," and that the Kremlin "wanted to explicitly help Donald Trump.”
This action is further obstruction of justice by the Republicans in Congress. It is a political effort to cover up for and protect Trump, not the factual report. The problem is, the investigation and interviews, on and off the record, sorb to or not, created new leaks every day. These leaks got out, despite secrecy demands of the committee. "We've gone completely off the rails, and now we are just basically a political forum for people to leak information to drive the day's news," Rooney said. "We've lost all credibility, and we are going to issue probably two different reports, unfortunately.”
The committee chair, Mike Collins of Texas (of course), released a draft and closed the investigation without telling anyone it had been completed, Republicans leaders nor Democrats, Yet, within minutes of closing the investigation, the full 150-page report was already printed and ready to distribute. This was a planned blindside by ruthless Republicans. Of course, Trump believes this lie.
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