On May 25, your Embarrassment-in-Chief, Donald Trump, discussed the illy-conceived tariffs he’s imposing on Canada (and Mexico) with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.
In discussing the “national security issues” excuse for the imposition of this levee, Trudeau asked Trump how these tariffs could be justified. Trump actually responded with, "Didn't you guys burn down the White House?”
British troops burned down the White House during the War of 1812, in retaliation for our earlier destruction of York, Ontario - a territory not yet Canada.
Trump was asked, “Is that a joke?” Trump replied, "To the degree one can ever take what is said as a joke. The impact on Canada and ultimately on workers in the US won't be a laughing matter.”
Months previously, Trump personally assured Trudeau that Canada would likely be exempt from these tariffs.
Republican Bob Corker questioned the advisability of such a tax on close allies. He called this action dangerous. On June 6, Trump called Corker and told him to “Back off!”
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