Hitler is the poster boy of lies. His Nazi Propaganda, based on fear and hatred, portrayed Jewish people as the enemy of all classes of society. He used coercion, terror and mass manipulation to brainwash people into believing his lies. “Those people” were responsible for all the woes and problems of Germans, rich and poor. The Jews! The aftermath of World War I was a great starting point for him to begin his quest for total world domination, when people were tired of “losing,” unaware their “failures,” were created in the mind of Hitler.
Today, we have someone in the WH creating the same hysteria that began in 1930, attacking: Muslims; Mexicans; previous administration; opponents; celebrities; Justice Department; FBI; and, Press.
We have a president who now not only ignores history, he can’t remember it.
‘Those who do ignore history are doomed to repeat it’ is more than an adage. The actual phrase - ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’ - is a warning.
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