Trump regular brags, falsely, about “The biggest tax cuts in history.” The average citizen ends up with $2,400 per year, enough for a movie and dinner. The rich will be looking for new homes in Spain. But the citizenry is happy with their temporary cuts. That is until you figure what those small cuts cost. Fewer Federal income means less money to the states, counties, cities, towns, and all they supply. Less for education and infrastructure. With less coming in, where will the dollars come from?
Income taxes in many states, Arizona included, are increasing, and other State taxes, city, county and state property taxes (which support infrastructure and education), energy taxes, utility taxes, tariffs and import duties will per going up, so will purchasing costs.
Trump wants a thirty-cent per gallon increase in gasoline taxes. If you drive 30,000 miles per year, that increase alone will cost you an extra $9,000 per year. But remember, tax cuts you supported saved you $2,400 per year.
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