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Make America Great Again has failed

Incubus Trump created his own Hell. He’s lied so often to the American people, they do not and should not trust him. He seeks International deals, even though he has reneged and pulled the United States out of many International pacts and agreements. Paris Climate Accord?; Trans-Pacific Partnership?; NAFTA?; Nuclear Agreement?; Iran Nuclear Deal?; UNESCO?; UN Human Rights Council”; and, NATO? All gone or soon-to-be gone. The World does not trust Trump. He made alliances with Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China and, of course, a special love affair with Russia and Putin, America’s (and the Word’s) greatest threat.  Trump’s foreign policy put the US at risk of losing its place as a world power, if it’s not already lost. Under Trump, we will withdraw from many more pacts. His personal and legal problems have caused a total distraction from regular, important business. How about the Middle East, poverty, health care, infrastructure, opioid crisis, and more.  Trump’s plan ...

Trump has no clue about Middle-Class.

Are Trump’s sycophants and lemmings aware that federal employees who worked without pay or were furloughed during Trump’s insane, conniption fit, did not do it due to “…their allegiance to President Trump…,” as the thankless wretch in the Oval Office stated? They didn’t “volunteer” for this. They were threatened by firing if they didn’t show up to work. This is servitude. They blame him for their damaged credit, late-fee payments, interest loans, missed payments, meals and medical care, and more. Billionaire Wilber Ross said he “doesn’t understand this. Why don’t they simply go to the bank and get a loan? The banks will give them a loan.” Many, if not most, federal employees live paycheck to paycheck.  Trump told them to “make an arrangement with the grocer. Grocery stores will give you groceries if you tell them you’ll pay them when you get paid.” Federal employees took an oath to protect the Constitution, not Trump. Trump and his cronies have no idea how the Midd...

Throwing stones from a glass house

Mitch McConnell stated after obeying the orders of his master, Premier Trump,  “The only way our border is going to have real security, is if Democrats stop playing partisan games and get serious about negotiating with the president on a long-term compromise. The days ahead will tell us whether our Democratic colleagues are actually serious about securing our nation, whether they actually mean what they say.” It seems it’s not only Trump who’s lost his mind. It was Trump who has used partisan politics since January 20, 2017. Any Democratic idea was a target for ridicule as were Democrats themselves. He was the one who refused to negotiate unless the wall was included. It was Trump who’s, time and again, reneged on deals and terms he himself requested. Democrats offered several reasonable proposals, each rejected.  It was Trump who created the DACA problem; the abduction and internment of children; false immigration “emergency;” and, refused to negotiate any of them. ...

Pundits are not pundits

Conservative Pundits and right-wing extremists are complaining that their exalted leader’s “caved.” However, the people getting hurt were not the gainful politicians nor the highly-paid pundits, but average working people in the country.  Pundit actually means a person who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field. Most conservative pundits do not have the eruditeness to qualify, generally refusing to research or present facts. They also lie - a lot.  These people have an agenda; they just haven’t yet realized that it’s Trump’s agenda, which is to make Trump richer. Ann Coulter says Trump should feel the "fear of God" in 2020 if he doesn't build the wall, as he promised his supporters.  She does not mention that promise also included Mexico paying for it. These people don’t mention that Trump will undoubtedly use his own construction firm and/or people to build that wall. Guess who will profit?  Extremists say Democrats are unwilling to negot...

Republican malevolence

The Temp President has created a mess. His vindictive Captain Queeg act and a Captain Ahab, McConnell, at the helm.  Now, a fugleman, Peter Lorre impersonator Lindsey Graham, has decided, amidst the clutter and chaos caused by the new Trump Party, to emulate his not-so-divine leader.  The new Senate Judiciary Chairman has decided during this period of Trump-inspired confusion and disorderliness, to dig up old, settled issues.  He’s decided to use the committee to begin investigations of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton; maybe Benghazi. Of course, this is nothing but another infant being placed in a position of being able to turn on the gas on the kitchen stove. Pampers diapers must be doing great business in D.C. Trump promised that following the elections, he would request these inquiries. Now, as the self-appointed Lord of Congress, he has his sycophants bidding his orders. Neither he nor McConnell nor Graham nor McCarthy nor 53 Senate Republicans ar...

Trump has had a vendetta against PR for many years.

We were never made aware of the Infidel-in-Chief’s help in doing major damage to the Puerto Rican economy in 2008. Trump International entered into an arrangement with the owners of Coco Beach Golf & Country Club, a resort and golf course that had opened in 2004 on the northeast coast of Puerto Rico.  The club was in trouble, financially, and Trump agreed to “help out.” Under the agreement, Trump International licensed the Trump name to the owners, renamed the course, Trump International Golf Club Puerto Rico and took on the resort’s day-to-day management in exchange for a fee of $600,000. Puerto Rico’s financing authority, AFICA, issued $25,497,854 in bonds, in 2000 in addition to Puerto Rico’s Government investing $50 million for the attached Hotel Gran Melia in 2004. In 2011, they defaulted on $26 million in bonds. The result left Puerto Rican taxpayers on the hook for the better part of $33 million. Trump International, of course, claimed no responsibility. Trump Ta...

What does he stand for?

Supporters of the Fraud-in-Chief say they “believe in what Trump stands for;” a great cliche. Can any of them tell us exactly what he stands for? Ask one hundred Trumpeteers and you will receive ninety-one different views and nine “dohs.” Take the most current issues, opioids and the wall. Only, now, the wall is not a wall -“I never said wall.” It’s now “steel slats”. He said to Jeb Bush during the debates, when Bush pointed out it was fencing, "It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!" December 31, he tweeted, "An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED.” Which system is it that he stands for? These comments came from his own mouth, on camera. Sixty-thousand illegals were not apprehended at the Southern border last year. And most drugs come through ports of entry, not across the border, despite Trump’s false statements. The opioid crisis is a problem of doctors overwriting prescriptions, not border entries.  This pres...

Hypocrisy 101

Lindsey Graham asked William Barr during his Senate Confirmations for Attorney General, “So, if there was some reason to believe that the President tried coach someone not to testify or testify false, that could be an obstruction of justice?” Barr replied, “Yes, under an obstruction sanction. Yes.” I would like to ask anyone with a sane mind, in spite of this, what Vegas odds can we give that Graham will defend the Czar-in-Chief, anyway? And, if confirmed, what odds that Barr will uphold his agreement about grounds for impeachment?

A subversive in the White House?

Our own, in house subversive, has carelessly given foreign country dignitaries exclusive, ‘Eyes Only: Top Secret’ information.  He gave Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and who knows who else secrets that most of our own dignitaries and leaders do not know.  Most recently, even though he canceled Nancy Pelosi’s plane to Afghanistan, telling the group to take a commercial flight, he divulged the top-secret trip. Then, when they decided actually to go on a commercial flight, he revealed that plan, jeopardizing the safety of our own delegates.   He told Russians about secret Israeli operational plans and shared our secret plans for ISIS. He complained about paying rent for our airbase in Saudi Arabia. It was a secret installation. He even tweeted secret information about his recent trip to Iraq (during the shutdown), risking his entire delegation.  It may be ego, but this lying, traitorous insurrectionist will deliberately or inadvertently cause harm...

Babyman has a conniption fit

There is no there with the Tyrant-in-Charge of our new autocracy. He usurped the Senate by taking over supervision of Mitch McConnell, as he did to Paul Ryan, a man who turned into a eunuch under Trump. I wonder what Trump’s offered these members of the Sycophant Party? Pelosi used her authority to determine risk in presenting the State of the Union, saying he could submit it in writing, the usual procedure until the 1970s. Babyman had a conniption fit, canceling Pelosi ’s plane ride to Afghanistan, offering support to our military, and gaining vital information from the front lines. This trip was to understand the issues better, an opportunity always allowed to Congressional leaders.  He claimed it was due to the shutdown and just a publicity tour. However, that didn’t keep him from a photo op trip to Iraq or allowing a Republican delegation to go, or allowing Melania to fly to Mar-a-Lago, on U.S. aircraft, all during the shutdown.

It's time to stop talking about this and act!

Republicans who support the Demented Person-in-Charge, please respond to this survey. Do you ever read or listen to any news other than FOX, Limbaugh, Colter or other Republican rags? Ever hear Trump say, “Mexico will pay for the wall?” He says never said that. However, he did say, “Mexico will write out a check for $5 to $10 billion to build the wall. A one-time payment of $5 to10 billion.”  His promise was to build the wall, ignoring his other promise “Mexico will pay for it.” BTW, the 1,300 mile wall will cost over $3.9 million per mile, excluding private land purchases. Ever hear him contradict his own decisions within 24 hours? He says never. Moreover, he denies ever saying statements captured on camera. Giuliani says, neither he nor Trump ever said “No collusion.” Did you not hear them say no collusion?  Trump verbalized over 7,800 proven lies in twenty-four months. Did you know that? Foreign countries and elected officials in the U.S., have no confidence in...

Will Barr also investigate Graham?

Hypocritical Sen. Lindsey Graham, questioned Attorney General candidate, William Barr. The two-faced wimp and Trump sycophant asked him if he would investigate the people investigating and attacking Trump.  Graham asked about former federal investigators Strzok’s and Page’s texts bashing Trump, saying that they would “stop” his 2016 victory. He listed several “quotes” from these two among others. Quotes included:  “Awful,” “Unfit,” “..; appears to have no ability to experience reverence which is the foundation for any capacity to admire or serve anything bigger than self…,” "He's not ever going to become president, right? Right?"   Graham said of Trump:  "I think he's a wrecking ball for the future of the Republican Party…,” “… he's a kook…he’s crazy…I think he's unfit for office,” "I'm a Republican…he’s not.” “…he’s an opportunist,” "He's not fit to be president…”  Graham has called Trump an “Idiot.” “An idiot on policies,” S...

The Star is Balanced

Illogical, non-researched letters often appear here. Tuesday, the Star published some that deserved attention from someone with a Doctorate in Logic. These don’t even include Mark Finchem’s absurd proposals. People need to research. They’d see why Democrats approved 2006’s border security legislation which called for a total package: construction of 700 miles of steel-slat fencing and enhanced surveillance technology, such as unmanned drones, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage and cameras.   Agent Orange’s proposal of $5.7 billion is just for a concrete wall. The rest be damned. A Trumpeteer stated Orange ‘has not been formally charged with anything!’ - Not criminal, not financial, not conspiratorial. (Moscow’s Tower) was a real estate project prior to his candidacy. That's what real estate tycoons do!’  Moscow’s Tower deal proceeded way past the primary, into the earliest months of his presidency. He still wants it. His family members were complicit i...

After 7,600 lies in 23 months, who do you believe

The Deceiver-in-Chief walked out of negotiations with Democratic Leaders - again. He asked Pelosi, “…what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Will you agree to my wall?” Pelosi said, ‘NO.”  Agent Orange said, “Bye-bye, nothing else works! … a total waste of time” and left. No further negotiations from the self-proclaimed World’s Greatest Negotiator. Democrats who were present all agreed when Schumer reported, “Well, unfortunately, the president just got up and walked out.  He asked … Pelosi, ‘Will you agree to my wall?’ She said no. And he just got up, slammed his hand on the table and said, ‘Then we have nothing to discuss’ and just walked out.” The Sycophant Party Leaders now state ‘he never raised his voice’ (McCarthy), while Pence stated, “Pelosi was yelling. I never heard him raise his voice at all.” After over 7,600 lies in 23 months, who would you believe? ...

Education is the key to civility

Republicans have been in a “war” against public education for many decades; invariably against funding to support America’s most vital institution(s).  Techniques are to oppose state and Federal  initiatives to decrease taxes spent to support public schooling in states under their control; encourage charter schools owned by wealthy, private Republican donors; supporting anti-education individuals to “run” the State and Federal systems (DeVoss?); allow absurd tuition increases; closing schools in desperately needed areas; cutting educators’ salaries; lacking raises, pensions,  maintenance, supply, extracurricular activities, new books and supportive materials; and, much more. They profess their “support” of education; even falsely claiming to be the “party of education.” This includes K-12, H.S. and College/University levels.  Schoolbooks, such as those produced primarily by the Texas Republican State Board of Education, deny mention of significant historic...

Trump is now somehow a religious idol

Some religious fanatics have officially gone bonkers. The far right have been pushing a meme for several years now that the amoral creature, conman, egomaniac, and bad person in the WH “has been sent by God to be ‘a vessel for the purposes of the faithful’ in the role of King of the United States of America,” according to Katherine Stewart.  A firefighter picks up a Bible in a moment of revelation and automatically turns to Isaiah 45. Agent Orange is also number 45. Coincidence? I think so. This disclosure is because Cyrus in Isaiah 45, is “saved” and becomes Emperor of Babylon, freeing the Jews. These Christian Nationalists, no relation to the saner version of ages past, believe the adulterer, misogynist, oaf in the White House, who is encouraging them, will save humanity.  Tony Perkins, Ralph Drollinger and V.P Mike Pence support it, as well. Deport them.

Electoral College did the opposite of which it was intended.

America was intended to be a Democratic form of government. After a hard-fought debate, the compromise was to build it as a Democratic Republic. This was done, in Philadelphia during the summer at the City Tavern, over room temperature beer. A Democratically elected president would be selected by a majority of the popular vote. In a representative government, to protect smaller states, the people vote for an Elector to do the actual voting believing they would vote as they were designated to vote by the people. However, Electors may not be obligated to do so in most cases. In 48 states, it’s winner-take-all. If a candidate in a state loses by one vote, all Electoral votes go to the majority winner.   The founding fathers did not trust a popular vote of the uneducated common, ill-informed people. They couldn’t trust commoners not to vote for a personable, persuasive demigod. Ironically, they devised the Electoral College to assure that a charismatic, yet dangerous lunatic ...

Trump’s win was not the win he still claims

Trump and his sycophants and lemmings constantly ‘brag’ about his massive win in 2016. He still brings it up every chance he gets, over two years past.  Many even believe it.  After two years, apple polishers have probably made the base believe the biggest lie of all.  Certified results showed Clinton receiving 65,844,610 votes, while Trump receiving 62,979,636; a difference of 2,864,974. Only uneducated people or poor students, such as the president, could subtract the lower number and extrapolate “greater support,” or “a win” from the American people. Numbers-wise, this was one of, if not the greatest general election defeats in U.S. History. The out-dated Electoral College gave 306 to Trump and 232 to Clinton. Even if Democrats had turned out in larger numbers, their chances of substantial legislative gains were limited by Republican gerrymandering. Most states have a winner-take-all electoral rule, while some still split. It’s the splitting of votes that...

Where is the News?

Since Trump’s ascension to the throne of Ruler, news media has been obsessed with his 7,500 plus lies and his numerous faux pas. Discussions include panels of “experts” discussing his non-sensical diatribes and fabrications, leave no room to discuss actual news.  Networks have highly paid analysts bombarded with questions about Trump’s character and whether he’s still (never was) competent. What about hard, informative news?   We have problems regarding infrastructure, crumbling roads, failing bridges; health and health insurance crises; our world is in turmoil; children being torn from parents arms;  increasing murder rates; breathable air dissipating; our water is once again be poisoned; our education system is controlled by far-right extremists with an agenda to under-educate future generations; veteran care actually being reduced, not increased; growing homelessness; and, more. Our Statue of Liberty’s welcome, "Give me your tired, your poor, your hud...

Trump’s great satirical performance

Republicans, lie after lie, still support the Agent Orange-in-Chief. They know he lies, admit it in fact, yet still “believe in him.” How can that be? He recently held a Cabinet meeting, similar to one held a year ago, where he gave his sycophant Cabinet Secretaries the opportunity to praise glory on the exalted Russian lackey, himself - one of his greatest satirical performances. Trump: “Every day, Border Patrol encounters roughly 2,000 illegal immigrants … trying to enter our country. …”  Fact:  The daily number of what he calls “illegals” is actually about 1,000.  Trump (regarding Foreign Aid): “… the Democrats… want $12 billion additional for foreign aid… It’s $54.4 billion… but in foreign aid, they want 12 billion over the $54 billion…”  Fact: The total fiscal 2018 budget for the State Department ($12 billion), and foreign operations including foreign aid, $42 billion. Republicans control the Senate. Trump: “(Afghanistan) built the library in Afghan...

Trump's wall is a ruse for xenophobia

Including a wall in order to pass a budget for our country to continue to operate, is a ruse. Trump insists the wall, now calling it border security, must be in the new budget for him to deign grant his signature.  It’s not security. It is about Trump’s lack of knowledge of our history, the exclusion of “others.”  He wanted $5.7 billion, and often reneged on his own terms. Now, it’s $2.5 billion. Once a bill is passed will he change his mind and demand more?  I suggest a simple solution for Democrats to offer, to see how sincere and eager he is to negotiate.  Democrats should accept the new $2.5 billion offer, if the money is used for overall border security, provided not one penny is used for any type of “wall or steel slats.” In return, immigrants must be expedited humanely, as they’ve been for decades.  Next, the president must give DACA recipients permanent residency with a path toward citizenship. Easy options.

Republicans: Are you rich or average?

Republicans, what part of the following do you honestly support? Politically established gerrymandering making voting not disposed or willing to believe, or free voting for all? Blocking or preventing the registration of minorities and those likely to vote the other way, or the voting ability every American earned and deserves? (Did you fight in any war to protect the Constitution and the right-to-vote therein?) Protecting the profit-making right of corporations and the wealthy, or the ability for everyone to make a fair living wage? Protection of Corporation, Insurance and Big Oil Company profits for their executives and shareholders, or a safe, healthy country, where everyone can be as safe as possible from injury, illness or disease, without fear of bankruptcy (remember before 2008)?  An America only for the extremely wealthy, pollution makers, profiteers, whites people and the industrial-military complex, or the United States created by our forefathers for ever...

The Great builder STILL believes the wall will take three days to build.

  The Moscow Lapdog-in-Chief, stated, “Any deaths of children or others at the Border are strictly the fault of the Democrats and their pathetic immigration policies that allow people to make the long trek thinking they can enter our country illegally.” This was the first time he ever mentioned the deaths of the children by his own actions and edicts. Those children would not have been protected.  Knowing his intelligence level, he probably believes his wall can be built in three days. Most people think it would take up to fifteen years. Moreover, no one believes it will be effective.   Also on the last days of the year, the megalomaniac froze wages for Federal Workers who have been furloughed; people who are out of work, while the person responsible whines about spending the holidays alone (he did not), dines. He canceled his appearance at the New Year’s Eve Gala at Mar-A-Lago. Investors paid vast amounts of money to be in the same room with him — no refu...