A few years ago, John McCain said, in an interview with Bob Schieffer, that, “I’m ashamed of my country. I’m ashamed of my president and I’m ashamed of myself..… It is really, really heartbreaking.”
He was praised, over and over by Republicans.
Compare what McCain said with what Michelle Obama said that sent Republicans into a tizzy, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.”
She was highly ridiculed and insulted.
The hypocrisy is that McCain openly says that he is ashamed of his country and gets praised. Michelle Obama said that she was really proud of her country, and her words were twisted into a claim that she hates America.
Today’s Republican Candidates, led by Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, try to tear down the United States and are lauded by the extremists and other Republicans and their candidates. Democrats Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Marc O’Malley are not saying “let’s make America GREAT again,” as Republicans espouse. They want to "take America back, again."
They complain America doesn't work anymore, then say it's the Progressives who broke this unbroken country. Democrats still believe America is great. It's the right-wingers who complain, "It's not my country, anymore." or "It's just not the same since....uh...that...uh fella got into the White House.."
They want to take America back, but, from whom, they never say. Democratic candidates believe and say, America is still the greatest, strongest and best country on Earth. Who are the true American Patriots. Dr. No and Goldfinger wanted the same goals as the Republicans
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