Look what is happening to the country. The extremists want everyone to believe as they do. Only they have the correct interpretation of the Constitution, the Bible, Federal Laws, and more. No one else's opinion matter. They rile up people of like-mindedness and tell them lies to anger and upset their equilibrium and join the "fight." Against who? Well, the United States of America, who else is responsible for their being out of work because they have little or no education. They blame the United States of America because they have tattoos up and down their body. Tattoos of the Devil, or Betty Boop, or Marilyn Monroe, or ??? They blame the United States of America for their crop failures or hunger or war or whatever and anything in which they may feel deficient. or inadequate.
These "patriots," as they like to call themselves have nothing to do with patriotism. It's all ego and self-aggrandizement. They are not defending America. They are defending their own lawlessness. They break a law and so the law MUST BE WRONG. Not them. No way they could be wrong.
Why is Ammon Bundy in Oregon. The Hooper's, the ranchers involved, don't want him there. Why isn't he back in his own town, minding his own business? He believes a 100 year old story that the Sheriff is the true and only Constitutional Law in disputes. WHY? Because, he states, the Sheriff is the only law official legally sworn to uphold the Constitution. WHAT crap is that? He wants the Sheriff in Oregon to side with him. The Sheriff wants him to get out of the county. He cries that he';s willing to "die" at the hands of Federal law enforcement and is upset that they say they won't do anything. This man should go home and have some hot cocoa and graham crackers before he hurts HIMSELF falling off a fence.
These people are ANARCHISTS. Plain and simple ANARCHY is becoming rampant in the US. Take a look around at what is happening. ANARCHY DOES NOT WORK!!!!
Anarchism is the belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.
There is NO rule of law. Every person for themselves. Under anarchism, the strongest win because it condones taking of anything by the strongest. I want your car and I have an AK 47, you have a Bowie Knife. Car is mine. You have a wife......
Property rights are settled by who has the bigger weapon. The theory in anarchism is that these disputes are handled by either fighting, acquiescing or compromising. Remember, bullies don't compromise.
What happens when an unscrupulous person with power and money comes around. His morality is the only check to his use of force against you, as long as he can get away with it. He blusters. He manipulates. He lies.
What Anarchists want is to opt out of a government's control of them. Which, really means, the ability to opt out of anyone else's judgment of their use of force. Which, really. means their opting out of having objective principles applied to their use of force. In essence, avoiding objective principles. A dangerous evasion. No authority allowed over "me."
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