I refuse to spend my time discussing or debating politics with someone who does not vote. Many of the biggest mouths and complainers of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, Bill Clinton, and others, made it possible for us to have elected and re-elected George W. Bush. If you don't vote, you do not have the right to complain.
I just heard from a FB friend who has many political op[inions, but says he doesn't vote. This is my response for all those who don't vote or feel as though their vote matters not....to see.
At least you have a choice. If you feel you have the choice of only evil vs. evil...opt for the lesser evil. The one who will do the least damage. George W. wanted war in Iraq. He stated as much when campaigning. Gore did not. The people felt Gore would win anyway (he did, actually), so they stayed home. He had an economic program that every economist said was superior to Bush's. This is what ended up in the loss of 5,000 American lives and created the problem of ISIS, and the Great Recession.
If you did not vote for Gore, you may have empowered Bush. That's what voting means. You must have heard of the story ..."For the Loss of a Nail." That's what happened. Only it was "For the Loss of a Vote." I respect your right not to vote, but, it does matter to everyone in the country, including you.
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