In 2015, is this what you God-fearing American conservatives truly want?
Republican Misogynist, Ted Cruz, Recommended Spanking
Just when you thought no one could possibly out do Donald Trump’s misogynistic ways, here we have Ted "Calgary” Cruz campaigning in Iowa. When comparing all of these clowns, there are really no discernible differences.
Notice the chuckling among his male supporters, It’s obvious they heartily agree with Cruz’s way of dealing with Hillary and his daughter.
It's despicable. Do you condone this, Deborah?
.@tedcruz: Voters should spank Hillary Clinton like I spank my five-year old daughter.
"You know I'll tell you, in my house, if my daughter Cather, the five-year-old, says something she knows to be false, she gets a spanking," he said. "Well, in America, the voters have a way of administering a spanking."
Actor Wil Wheaton and Matthew Dowd had something to say about Cruz spanking his kids on Twitter. Pretty straightforward, brutally honest and spot on.
Ted Cruz: "I hit my child. Hitting children is GREAT! I'm not a shitfuck at all. Vote for me!"
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) January 9, 2016
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) January 9, 2016
Hundreds and hundreds of replies from people who are appalled at the idea of parents hitting their children restores my faith in humanity.
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) January 9, 2016
Cruz: "I hit my 5 year old daughter, and i am going to make a joke about it." unreal. that isn't a real man.
Cruz: "I hit my 5 year old daughter, and i am going to make a joke about it." unreal. that isn't a real man.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) January 9, 2016
Spanking a child leads to serious developmental issues. There’s no excuse for it.
Spanking a child leads to serious developmental issues. There’s no excuse for it.
Hitting children is bad
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) January 9, 2016
Just to confirm how unstable Ted Cruz is and at the very same Iowa campaign event, he was asked about rape abortion exceptions. Oh brother.
Just to confirm how unstable Ted Cruz is and at the very same Iowa campaign event, he was asked about rape abortion exceptions. Oh brother.
In iowa, @tedcruz asked about rape abortion exception: "come near my girls & you will experience a direct exercise of the second amendment"
— Karen Tumulty (@ktumulty) January 9, 2016
This is actually a candidate running for President. Can you say unstable?
This is actually a candidate running for President. Can you say unstable?
If Trump should ever flame out, it appears Ted Cruz will easily assume Trump’s misogynist campaign and build upon all it’s hate and intolerance.
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