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Make America Great Again has failed

Incubus Trump created his own Hell. He’s lied so often to the American people, they do not and should not trust him. He seeks International deals, even though he has reneged and pulled the United States out of many International pacts and agreements. Paris Climate Accord?; Trans-Pacific Partnership?; NAFTA?; Nuclear Agreement?; Iran Nuclear Deal?; UNESCO?; UN Human Rights Council”; and, NATO? All gone or soon-to-be gone. The World does not trust Trump. He made alliances with Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China and, of course, a special love affair with Russia and Putin, America’s (and the Word’s) greatest threat.  Trump’s foreign policy put the US at risk of losing its place as a world power, if it’s not already lost. Under Trump, we will withdraw from many more pacts. His personal and legal problems have caused a total distraction from regular, important business. How about the Middle East, poverty, health care, infrastructure, opioid crisis, and more.  Trump’s plan ...
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