Republicans who claim Obama and Democrats always play politics. The Hypociticalcan Party seems to be talking out of the wrong side of their collective mouths.
There's an informal Senate rule that came out of the Abe Fortas fight under Johnson, that Republicans will likely claim applies here. That's the "Thurmond rule," named after former Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), which, means "no lifetime judicial appointments would move in the last six months or so of a lame-duck presidency." Obama has more than six months left in his tenure. Republicans simply can't count. Wasn't Thurmond a Republican?
Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate majority leader, controls the Senate's agenda. He's already said that the next president should appoint Scalia's replacement. And there's no telling whether Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the judiciary committee, will even allow Obama's nominee a hearing. He's been dragging his feet with lower court appointees as it is.
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