Can anyone give me the definition of well-regulated? I must be missing something. Does that mean confiscation or regulation?
I had a very good education. All the way up the line. I learned to read and use the dictionary and do the research. If I didn't understand a word, I looked it up in that left-wing propaganda publication called, "THE DICTIONARY." I say left-wing because right-wingers don't seem to be able to read that word or know what it means.
Republicans and the NRA have convinced extremists and righties that regulate means confiscate. They say no regulation is needed. Just simply "KEEP GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO SHOULDN'T HAVE THEM - Mentally challenged, convicted felons (unless they are Republican felons or large Republican contributors), children (unless their parents our members of the NRA), poor people, Muslims, Jews, any Middle-Easterner or Mexican, wife-beaters, alcoholics, rapists, child molesters, gang members, spousal abusers, suicidal people and many other categories.)
However, they don't tell you how to find out if a gun purchaser falls into one of these categories. The best way is through registration, which is a form of regulation. With comprehensive registration and a reasonable background check period of time, these people can be weeded out, following the gun-rights desires.
Another way is mandatory gun locking systems, fingerprint ID or codes. A way of regulating who has access to that weapon.
But, rather than allow these simple fixes, the NRA has brainwashed people into objecting to something that even the NRA PROPOSED years ago, is simply unacceptable. They have convinced people that regulation means their taking away over 375 million guns (2016 #s) from almost 50% of the people in the US.
The logic is amazing. The government has trouble getting rid of 4 armed militiamen in Oregon. Imagine 165 million people.
By the way...regulate |ˈregyəˌlāt| verb [ with obj. ]
• control or supervise (something, especially a company or business activity) by means of rules and regulations: the organization that regulates fishing in the region.
reg·u·la·tion (rĕg′yə-lā′shən) n.
1. The act of regulating or the state of being regulated.
2. A principle, rule, or law designed to control or govern conduct.
3. A governmental order having the force of law. Also called executive order.
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