This is one of the most powerful speeches ever used in a movie and captured on camera. It is delivered by a genius who was castigated and banned from the country in 1952. A man who said only, "I believe in Libert- that is ALL my politics." Hoover, a Republican, thought it was "subversive," and asked Truman to act.Truman refused. Republicans demanded he be deported. They claimed Chaplin was a Communist sympathizer. An allegation that stuck with him all of his life. Chaplain said only, "I believe in Liberty - that is ALL my politics."
His ‘radical’ views amounted to little more than a refusal to cross picket lines during the 1945-1946 Hollywood strikes, endorsing the Progressive Party candidate Henry Wallace in the 1948 presidential campaign.
After being blacklisted for refusing to co-operate when called before the House Un-American Activities Committee, Chaplin’s career was dealt its deathblow when Hoover began to feed classified information and rumours to his friend, the staunchly conservative and enormously powerful Hollywood gossip columnist Hedda Hopper – who, having long despised the ‘unpatriotic’ Chaplin, was only too happy to abet. As a result of her relentless vendetta, Chaplin’s once-adoring public abandoned him in droves; xenophobic lobbyists picketed outside cinemas until virtually all bookings of his 1952 film Limelight were cancelled.
After the movie, The Great Dictator, Republicans said, "[Chaplin] has refused to become an American citizen. His very life in Hollywood is detrimental to the moral fabric of America. [If he is deported] ... his loathsome pictures can be kept from before the eyes of the American youth. He should be deported and gotten rid of at once." It didn't happen. Democrats were in power and would not "kick him out."
He was no longer able to make movies or work in the U. S. He sold his home and gave up, surrendered his re-entry permit and "deported himself."
“My prodigious sin was, and still is, being a non-conformist,” added Chaplin. “Although I am not a Communist I refused to fall in line by hating them.”
Republicans have denied blame and insisted it was Truman. However, Chaplain actually left on his own accord. The Attorney General did, however, deny the renewal of Chaplin's re-entry permit, which Chaplain had voluntarily given up.
The FBI, it turned out, had NO EVIDENCE against Chaplain. It was ALL innuendo and rumor, planted and placed by Hoover.
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