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Showing posts from February, 2016


VIDEO ATTACHED BELOW This is one of the most powerful speeches ever used in a movie and captured on camera. It is delivered by a genius who was castigated and banned from the country in 1952. A man who said only, "I believe in Libert- that is ALL my politics." Hoover, a Republican, thought it was "subversive," and asked Truman to act.Truman refused. Republicans demanded he be deported. They claimed Chaplin was a Communist sympathizer. An allegation that stuck with him all of his life. Chaplain  said only, "I believe in Liberty - that is ALL my politics." His ‘radical’ views amounted to little more than a refusal to cross picket lines during the 1945-1946 Hollywood strikes, endorsing the Progressive Party candidate Henry Wallace in the 1948 presidential campaign.  After being blacklisted for refusing to co-operate when called before the House Un-American Activities Committee, Chaplin’s career was dealt its deathblow when Hoover began to feed class...

What (who) KILLS More?   CLICKJ ABOVE  This is one of the best articles I've seen or passed on. No Republican will have a decent reply to this. They cannot defend their positions or party beliefs in other than religious connotations. Their "God" tells them to do it. I'd like to hear that conversation, because, my God tells me we are all equally the Children of God and we all have free will. My God tells me we must not do anything to harm other people. My God tells me to follow his will for the good of mankind. My G od lists hypocrisy as a sin. My God and Bible says that when life is breathed into the born infant and it breathes on it's own, and the first cries are heard, that is when that a human has been created. We have the same God. There is only one. I insist my "heard" words are more important than your "read...

Republicans List FACTS as a "Dirty" word.

Republicans don't believe in FACTS, but I present the lies here, anyway. TRUMP: "Right now, we're the highest taxed country in the world." THE FACTS: Far from it. The U.S. tax burden pales in comparison with that of other industrialized countries. Taxes made up 26 percent of the total U.S. economy in 2014, according to the 34-nation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That measure looks at the entire tax burden, which is different than tax rates that can be gamed through loopholes, deductions and credits. In Sweden, the tax burden is 42.7 percent of the economy. It's 33.6 percent in Slovenia (Trump's wife, Melania, was born in the part of Yugoslavia that became Slovenia). Britain clocks in at 32.6 percent, while Germany's burden is 36.1 percent. Where is the tax burden lower than the United States? Only South Korea, Chile and Mexico. CRUZ on whether waterboarding is torture: "Under the law, torture is excruciating pain that...

We Care More About Football than Politics

Too many people simply don't care about voting, falsely believing it doesn't matter. Both parties are the same. That couldn’t be further from the truth. One party cares about you, the people. The other cares about business that have kept your wages stagnant for too many years while they upped prices and got richer. One party wants peace, free thought and the will of the people to rule. The other wants smaller government, ironically creating more government control. One party  wants you to choose what you want. The other wants to tell you what you want and what you can't have.One party believes in freedom of religion. The other wants to believe in and when and how to pray . The party of “small government,” has lied to people for over 80 years about big government and lower taxes, while it was they who increased government and raised taxes during that period. One party would remove the fundamental reasons for this country being a Nation of Immigrants and Freedom of religio...

First the MUSLIMS, Then....

FIRST THE MUSLIMS.... Next, he won't allow Jews, Buddhists, Chines, Native Americans, and, perhaps you? This is the man 74% of the people support? What has happened to COMMON SENSE? There is NO THERE THERE. Can't you realize that? When you are alone, sitting on the toilet, with the door close (I hope), can't you meditate and rationalize? Can't you understand? There's more stuff in what YOU'RE eliminating than Trumpo has in and speech. Tell me, any Republican, HOW CAN HE DO WHAT HE "PROMISE(S)" TO DO? Everything he says he will do is unconstitutional. Is that what we want for 4 years? Law suits at the Supreme Court over every one of his proposals being unconstitutional. VOTE INTELLIGENTLY. VOTE BLUE!

NO PRESIDENT should tell us who we pray to or how to pray

I DO NOT WANT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO TELL ME HOW TO PRAY, TO WHICH GOD I MUST PRAY TO, TO FOLLOW THE TEACHING OF JESUS CHRIST, TO CARRY A BIBLE WITH ME EVERY DAY, TO GIVE 10% TITHE TO THE "CHURCH," (WHICH HE, HYPOCRITICALLY) DOES NOT DO. Is this what the people of the US want? What about ALL OTHER RELIGIONS IN THIS COUNTRY? How yo do of non-Christian religions SUPPORT this person?  Heidi Cruz says as president, her husband, Ted, will deliver 'a combination of t he law and religion' By Hunter  Thursday Feb 11, 2016 This may or may not be why we don't hear from Ted Cruz's wife Heidi on the campaign trail very often. Heidi Cruz says her husband's campaign, and, if elected, presidency, exist "to show this country the face of the God that we serve." That sounds sincerely horrifying, thank you very much, and I hope I never again hear "Ted Cruz" and "the face of God" in the same sentence. She went on to say...

Which Party Plays Politics?

Republicans who claim Obama and Democrats always play politics. The Hypociticalcan Party seems to be talking out of the wrong side of their collective mouths.  There's an informal Senate rule that came out of the Abe Fortas fight under Johnson, that Republicans will likely claim applies here. That's the "Thurmond rule," named after former Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), which, means "no lifetime judicial appointments would move in the last six months or so of a lame-duck presiden cy." Obama has more than six months left in his tenure. Republicans simply can't count. Wasn't Thurmond a Republican?  Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate majority leader, controls the Senate's agenda. He's already said that the next president should appoint Scalia's replacement. And there's no telling whether Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who heads the judiciary committee, will even allow Obama's nominee a hearing. He's been dragging his feet ...

Republicans Never Listen to Constituents

Republicans pay no attention to what their political representatives believe or say. Or the fact they talk out of both sides of their mouths. What does Mitch McConnell REALLY believe about the President appointing judges? Does he believe the president should or should not appoint judges? I bet you can't guess and if you are PROBABLY wrong. Who was president in 2005? Oh, right. A Republican, George Bush. And who was president when McConnell voted to approve a  Supreme Court Justice (Kennedy) in the his final year......Reagan. What's different now? Sen. Mitch McConnell, in 2005, defending the absolute right of a sitting president to nominate judges. "The Constitution of the United States is at stake. Article II, Section 2 clearly provides that the President, and the President alone, nominates judges. The Senate is empowered to give advice and consent. But my Democratic colleagues want to change the rules. They want to reinterpret the Constitution to requir...

Guess Who Said This 3

The GUESS WHO SAID THIS COMMENT:  ".... Under the UN’s aegis, Americans would be forced into crowded apartment buildings, and UN-empowered block captains would be “given police power over your neighborhoods.” Was made by: Katrina Pierson who is the spokesperson for the Donald Trump campaign. The Texas Tea Party darling, who once ran for Congress (and lost) has a long and controversial past. She once collected $11,000 in unemployment benefits while working as a consultant on Ted Cruz's senate campaign. She’s repeatedly espoused hateful comments about Muslims, and after she caught flack for wearing a necklace made of bullets (seen above) on national television (while representing the Trump campaign), she said "maybe next time I'll wear a fetus."

Guess Who Said This 2

GUESS WHO SAID THIS!!! Answer in a bit. In the year ahead, we're not going to be on the defensive, shoring up problems and answering our critics. We are moving forward, and I have no doubt that when we look back 19XX will be a year of great accomplishment toward our goals. This is the year when Judge XXXX XXXX will be confirmed and the Supreme Court will again be brought up to full strength. The Federal judiciary is too important to be made a political football. I would hope, and the American people should expect, not only for Judge XXXX's confirmation but for the Senate to get to work and act on 27 other judicial nominations that have been left in limbo for quite awhile now. Mitch McConnell

Guess Who Said This 1

ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: WHO SAID - "In the year ahead, we're not going to be on the defensive, shoring up problems and answering our critics. We are moving forward, and I have no doubt that when we look back 1988 will be a year of great accomplishment toward our goals. This is the year when Judge Anthony Kennedy will be confirmed and the Supreme Court will again be brought up to full strength. The Federal judiciary is too important to be made a political football. I would hope, and the American people should expect, not only for Judge Kennedy's confirmation but for the Senate to get to work and act on 27 other judicial nominations that have been left in limbo for quite awhile now." THE FALSE HERO OF THE NEW REPUBLICANS, Ronald Reagan. Those who believe (and call themselves) Reagan Republicans are lying through their teeth. Two of them were CHILDREN when Reagan was President. Cruz was barely ten when Reagan became President. He was four when he came to the US. Hi...


TEXANS BEWARE!! This is a shining example of when homeschool children of a 3-toothed father and toothless mother grows up to run for the Board of Education, in which she has never had the privilege of taking part.  Mary Lou Bruner is a retired teacher who lives in northern Texas. She’s running for the State Board of Education in northeast Texas. “We need concerned parents, grandparents, local businessmen and educators to guide our education system. We do not need paid lobbyists in elected offices who profit from inside information and use their influence to help their clients.” Sounds like a pretty canned Republican/Tea Party style quote to run on. Here’s something from about a month or two before Bruner’s announcement that she would run for the state Board of Ed. It’s from her now secured up Facebook page. Holy shitballs that’s some crazy made-up type of stuff. She spoke with the San Antonio Current, and in true Yosemite Sam form, she had this to say: “I’m not ashamed...

The worst hypocrites!

This post was on FB. This is one of the best Shares I've seen or passed on. I modified it ever so slightly. my comments follow To all Republicans who insist on banning abortion because it “kills innocent human beings.” So do chemical spills in our water. And gun rampages in our malls and at our schools. And starvation because mothers can’t earn a decent living to feed their babies, even working 60 hours per week. And curable diseases when parents have no access to affordable healthcare. And research is restricted due to religious beliefs.  And yet while you sanctimoniously stick your nose in my family-planning choices, you have smugly opposed every attempt at safety regulations, gun control, raising the minimum wage and the ACA. You are the worst kind of hypocrites: arrogant and ignorant. You are what’s wrong with America today.  No Republican will have a decent reply to this. They cannot defend their positions or party beliefs in other than religious conno...
Can anyone give me the definition of well-regulated? I must be missing something. Does that mean confiscation or regulation? I had a very good education. All the way up the line. I learned to read and use the dictionary and do the research. If I didn't understand a word, I looked it up in that left-wing propaganda publication called, "THE DICTIONARY." I say left-wing because right-wingers don't seem to be able to read that word or know what it means. Republicans and the NRA have convinced extremists and righties that regulate means confiscate. They say no regulation is needed. Just simply "KEEP GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO SHOULDN'T HAVE THEM - Mentally challenged, convicted felons (unless they are Republican felons or large Republican contributors), children (unless their parents our members of the NRA), poor people, Muslims, Jews, any Middle-Easterner or Mexican, wife-beaters, alcoholics, rapists, child molesters, gang members, spousal abuser...

I am the Temple of God!

KEEP RELIGION PRIVATE, BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR GOD, IF YOU HAVE ONE. If not, that’s your business, not mine. You do not need to pray in a building adorned in gold while you worry about food at home. You do not need others to tell you to make personal sacrifices for the preservation of a religion. You can pray while driving, or bathing, eating or sitting in a park. YOU ARE THE TEMPLE. There is nothing that organized religion can give you but words. The feelings, beliefs and emotion of being next to God, come from you, in a movie theatre, a library, a bus, or a church or temple.  Many people go to a Church or Synagogue for reasons other than religious piety. Of course, there is a sense of camaraderie, a sense of unity.  They like the feeling of community. They are supported in their beliefs by the fact that others seem to have the same beliefs, But, prayer is considered a personal thing, between you and God. We all have different things for which we pray. Reciting, by rote or ...