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Trump is counting on the uneducated among his followers, the majority, it appears, not to know that. However, they believe Trump when he says on his first day in office, he will repeal Obamacare, Immigration Laws and ALL trade agreements. THAT they also believe. And, who objects when the intelligence level of his supporters is questioned? They do, because he TELLS them to. Repeal requires 2/3 of Congress to approve and THEN, only THEN, 3/4 of the states must agree. That's 37 States must concur.  Trump claims Hillary will just "Do it," and that, if elected, he will also just "Do it." No understanding of the Constitution or why it works.   Ironically, a group of Trump supporters are calling for the appeal of the 19th Amendment PRIOR TO THE ELECTION. They, also, have no clue.

When does the madness STOP!

When does this madness stop? It is the greatest insult to the US since Pearl Harbor. Attacks against our brave men was an insult and Trump's constant rattling of his vocal cords, wherever they're located(I suspect somewhere covered by the seat of his pants) is an insult to what they represented, freedom and decency

Many of Trump's supporters ARE deplorable.

It is amazing how Hillary's term, about half of Trump's followers being deplorables. Of course, we don't consider, Skinheads, the KKK, White Supremacists, White Nationalists, the NAZI Party, the Reich Wing, the uneducated, racists, militias, gun-toting vigilantes, xenophobes, misogynists, miscreants, untrained and unwilling to be trained, anti-Semites, anti-Immigrationists, anti-Mexicans, Extreme Religious Fanatics, anarchists, Fascists, and, I assume, "Some are... good people." About 40% of his followers may not fall into the categories above, but why are THEY in the Trump mob. Are they wealthy and wishing to keep their dollars protected from taxes while the "little guys" work? Are they trying to protect big businesses in which they've invested and reap benefits? Are they simply mesmerized by Trump? Are they part of the "hippies" of the 1960's (supposedly grown up, now), simply who've made their money, now the Hell with the ...
I was just wondering if Donald Trump is old enough to be president. He is truly a 12-year-old child. "Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah." He is a racist. Everyone in the country, except Republicans have her him. "There's my African-American." Like he hires the guy to travel around the country with him so people will see at least one person of color.So, what does he do, he calls says Hillary a "racists."  He is a bigot. Just listen to him speak about minorities in front of white-only c rowds, so they'll think he's truthful. So, he calls Hillary a bigot. He spews hatred throughout his speeches, he talks of "getting them," whoever them is. We know. He says" beat him up. I'll pay your legal fees." and worse. So he calls Hillary and says, "She is the only one fear-mongering!" What the Hell is he saying and doing.  He says "Get him outta here. I'd love to take him out back and show him what's what....

Where are the Investigations in Trump's Crooked activities

Hillary constantly under scrutiny by the so-called, “liberal media” and Republicans, especially Trump, for her ‘alleged’ violations of nonexistent laws. We are constantly hear about emails, the Foundation, Benghazi, and, even Whitewater. Where are media and Republicans when it comes to Donald Trump? Where is the talk about the Trump University scam; RICO charges involving mail and wire fraud; Trump bilking investors, contractors, banks, and others of millions of dollars; his  Russian request to undermine U. S. elections; his close ties to mafia chieftains, Tony Salerno and Paul Castellano; how he obtained his Casino license; his use of Chinese Steel and not American steel; deliberately misleading buyers about sales at Trump SOHO; his CEO registering in an empty house where he doesn’t live; his CEO’s domestic-Violence problems; his CEO’s anti-semitic remarks; the other “hoods and crooks” he has hired to run his campaign; the Trump Foundation not truly supporting charities it clai...


Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11 In a documentary on Showtime , “The World According to Dick Cheney,” in the Spring of 2013, Cheney said, “I got on the telephone with the president, who was in Florida, and told him not to be at one location where we could both be taken out.” Mr. Cheney kept W. flying aimlessly in the air on 9/11 while he and Lynn left on a helicopter for a secure undisclosed location, leaving Washington in a bleak, scared silence, with no one reassuring the nation in those first terrifying hours. I gave the instructions that we’d authorize our pilots to take it out,” he says, referring to the jet headed to Washington that crashed in a Pennsylvania field. He adds: “After I’d given the order, it was pretty quiet. Everybody had heard it, and it was obviously a significant moment.” *** When they testified together before the 9/11 Commission, W. and Mr. Cheney  kept up a pretense  that in a previous call, the president had authorized the vice presiden...

Where's the demand for Dick Cheney's Investigations

Republicans are “demanding” that Hillary’s appointment calendar be turned over for their scrutiny. Former VP, Dick Cheney. still refuses to turn over his calendar or his papers, believing the papers are his and belong to no one else. In 2009, Cheney even refused to turn anything over to the Bush Library, including messages he received from many stating, unequivocally, that there were no WMD’S in Iraq. He said no. These included notices from former President Bill Clinton’s administration warning of bin Ladin, words fro Hans Blix, French, Russian and German intelligence,  We still have no idea who attended his famous ‘Energy Taskforce Meeting’ in 2001, at the V. P.’s residence. The administration said it included executives from the four major oil companies. They all companies denied attended, at first, later saying they they did. But, oil prices increased, dramatically. Yet, no minutes were ever produced. Cheney's obsession with controlling information goes so far as to inv...
Trump's representatives are obviously not aware of what is going on in their campaign. Talk to twelve people get fourteen answers, all different. Now, his supporters are saying that the Khan’s started this, not Donald. He attacked first. What’s going to happen if he ever becomes president (God forbid)(, when he’s riled by other leaders? Use the Red Button? (Yes. A little fear-mongering own my own).  The actual sequence of the story, although the lemmings will deny it (they do n’t read the news, just FOX). Trump has been spreading his venom against every racial type in the world (Mexicans are rapists, and criminals), (African-Americans are lazy) and more.But, he seemed to have hit the nail when he reached Muslims. He called for a ban on all Muslims. We (the sane people) all heard him, no? Now, his spokespeople say that didn’t happen, even though he said it on TV. They state on TV (Bloomberg Report) he never wanted a ban on Muslims, just people from certain countries that support ...
President Obama today came out against Trump as "unfit" to be president of the United States.  During a press conference at the White House with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Obama posed the question to the Republican Party: "If you are repeatedly having to say what Trump says is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?" I stay - We need someone who has control of themselves before we give them control of the country!  I am a Democrat. I've been a Republican. We need two (or three) parties to blend and compromise. There is no compromise with Trump.  Please Republicans, why would you let this man do to you what he did to the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City?
I will make this claim here and now. Donald Trump will lose the election. He will not concede. He will claim the election was fixed and rigged and the outcome predetermined by the Washington insiders. He will be an outspoken foe of Hillary, in the manner McCain was in 2009 against Obama. He will create many, many controversies and tie them all to Hillary. He will create a third party to run in 2020. Probably called the TRUMP PARTY. Or the NARCISSIST PARTY. He obviously doesn’t know what trump means in the dictionary.  I’certain he knows a narcissist when he sees one (in the mirror). He is already planting in the minds of his lemmings, the lie that the election is rigged, a word he heard from Bernie and is now plagiarizing it. He will try to copyright the word rigged (maybe not that one).  Donald Trump is, most likely, now aware that the tide may be turning. He makes the most outrageous comments only to get FREE media attention, He has no plan. He has a lobbyist for Pro-Ru...
NONE OF THESE ATTACKS ON US EMBASSIES OR FACILITIES COST THE TAX-PAYERS $7 MILLION IN INTERROGATIONS OF A SECRETARY OF STATE. NONE! Adolph Dubs The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan in the Carter administration from 1978 to 1979, Dubs was killed in an exchange of gunfire after a kidnapping attempt by Islamic extremists in Kabul in 1979. The State Department labeled the event a "Significant Terrorist Incident."  Francis E. Meloy, Jr. The U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, Meloy was kidnapped by a Palestinian separatist group and shot along with U.S. economic counselor Robert O. Waring as both diplomats headed to present their credentials to the new Lebanese president in 1976. The two officials were assaulted as they were crossing the Green Line, the division between Beirut's Christian and Muslim sectors.  Rodger P. Davies The U.S. ambassador to Cyprus under the Ford administration, Davies was killed by sniper fire during a demonstration against American policy by Greek Cyprio...
Too many people, especially Donald Trump, claim they will vote for Trump because Hillary is a “liar.” She can’t be trusted. A woman who was trusted for 4 years as Secretary old State to handle our foreign affairs and decisions, is not to be trusted. In 2008, she left with a favorable 66% rating. A few Republicans create mountain out of ant hills and then…. However, Donald Trump, who has lied and screwed up thousands of lives by cheating the small business people, whom he claims to support, out of their earning, putting many out of business and out of home. He has had over 3,500 lawsuits. Most recently, a paint supplier sued for balance owed, about $34,500 on a $200,000 contract. Trump was ordered to pay $300,000 in attorney’s fees…. and STILL has not paid the contractor.  He lies every single day he’s on the campaign trail. His lemmings never ask him one crucial question to his outrageous claims of what he will do, he alone, for everything. That question?  HOW?  ...


Black people, Hispanics and police in the U.S., get along much better than cynics and pundits believe. Those radicals creating the ever increasing animosity are creating a problem to support their own cause, on both sides.  Why? So they’ll be right. A dead person may be right, but he’s still dead. There are no martyrs in this country. Those that we’ve have turned out to be just plain people. Schools blame parents for not following through, parents are too often afraid of their kids and blame gang activity. Gangs say they don't learn anything in school or they have to make money supporting their families or themselves. Police blame drugs. Who is truly to blame.  I firmly believe the problem, as I see it, is simply education. We were taught history. We were taught manners. We were taught social values. Not only in school, but at home, church, synagogue, temple or mosque. What has happened to education is a wearing of parents to be able to control and take interest ...

Five Million emails lost, and it wasn't Hillary.

The Bush administration lost 5 million emails regarding the communication between Cheney and Bush re the outing of a COVERT agent, Valerie Plame, and the plot against several US attorneys who were appointed by Clinton. FIVE MILLION lost emails, yet, NOT ONE CONGRESSIONAL OR COMMITTEE HEARING! Another million were lost dealing with 9/11. Lost, No inquiry, blamed on a computer glitch that only affected 241 certain computers. NO INQUIRIES. Explain please?

David Fitzsimmons Failure to learn past history dooms us in the future.

Tucson's Amazing Progressive Pundit, David Fitzsimmons, happens to be a friend of mine. I am proud of the views he publishes through his cartoons and his humorous articles that reflect the inanity of our world. A coffee meeting with David lasts a minimum of three hours. He has that much to say. And every word is new and interesting.  Today, Saturday, July 9, he presented an article that foreshadows things that might be, as it states in "A Christmas Carol." But, like Scrooge, we have it within ourselves to change it. Read for yourself. It's not too far off. AMERICA HAS BEEN DOWN THIS TERRIFYING PATH BEFORE When 96-year old Mr. Tanaka shuffled into the Pita Hut, a neighborhood cafe, it was for Turkish coffee and the company of the cafe's owner, his equally ancient friend, Ibrahim. On this day, Ibrahim brought stuffed grape leaves and tabbouleh to his friend and joined him in his booth. On the small TV, by the cash register, their new president was speaking. I...


READ THIS !! Then tell me Republicans are not on a WITCH HUNT to find something against Hillary Clinton. Since 1996, they have been after her with one thing tha t fizzles out, then another. In 1996, some pundits were tossing around the idea that she had her eye on the White House. Fearful Republicans began a 20 year odyssey to discredit her one way or another., Never, NEVER before in history has any one person in this country been subjected to the scrutiny and interrogative techniques against her as has Hillary. Republicans have convinced the public (thank God, just the week-minded), that with this many charges, surely something must be wrong. NEVER found guilty, but often charged. She has actually proven herself to be capable of the job of President, as she plods on, optimistic, as a president must. On the other hand, look how Donald Trump miss-handles the press. Does anyone believe he could handle a press conference as a mature adult.  President Obama gave a heart-renderin...

Only Lemmings Believe Republican Lies

I find it difficult to talk to a Republican or any Trump supporter (I was about to write supporter using a Capital S , but they don't deserve it.) For years, these lemmings have heard every possible negative thing about the Clintons. They are con-people, they are murders, they use insider information for gain, they steak from a charitable organization that has brought relief and comfort to many thousands of people in Third World countries. I have heard how Hillary is a liar, a thief, dishonest, a plagiarizer, rude, how she beats Bill, how she doesn't cook, how she gets her all clothes for free, how she has slapped servants in the White House, and more. I have not yet heard that she drown Socks in the toilet, although some republican will probably come out withy it.  Hillary is not a Muslim sympathizer (It was G. W. B.and Cheney who were good friends with the bin Ladin family, not the Clintons. She did NOT CREATE ISIS. G. W. B. and Cheney created the instability of that reg...

Comparing Hillary to Trump

Trump receives support from hypocritical Republican leaders who have unilaterally blasted him as: unfit; a “nut job;” dangerous in foreign policies and dealings with foreign dignitaries (he insinuated his experience with the Miss Universe Pageant made him experienced in foreign affairs); liar; unworkable; unstable; fretted about access to the “football” and the nuclear codes; “disaster;”  fiscal disaster (his financial failures cost tax-payers hundreds of millions of dollars. He’s a racist; misogynist; bigot; daily flip-flopper; authoritarian; lacking in respect for the press; vengeful toward anyone who disagrees with him; arrogant, tactless and unable to consider other people; clueless.  Hillary is a(an): wife of a two-term president; experienced attorney; two-term Senator; and, Secretary of State; experienced in domestic and foreign affairs. Like here or not, agree or don’t, she has the experience, intelligence and tact required for the job. Allegations made against he...

Just who's the liar

Many people label Hillary Clinton a liar, yet, continue to follow someone who is a proven liar, abuser of women, misogynist, racist, antagonistic, and just plain ignorant of the world of which he wishes to rule. Trump gathers followers, using bluster and intimidation, much like someone else did in the early apart of the 20th Century, using the same words and making the identical false promises of superiority in the world. Meanwhile, Trump has had multiple adulterous affairs, cheated poor, uneducated people of their property for personal gain, had a child out of wedlock, all overlooked.  He has chastised his own adopted party; lied about his own finances; is deeply in debt, insulted the media; urged that protestors be beaten; used derogatory terms in describing the Hispanic Governor of New Mexico; called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas;” makes up facts; and, contradicted most all of his policy proposals the next day, (he “changed his point of view.”) Have we had enough of Tru...