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Too many people, especially Donald Trump, claim they will vote for Trump because Hillary is a “liar.” She can’t be trusted. A woman who was trusted for 4 years as Secretary old State to handle our foreign affairs and decisions, is not to be trusted. In 2008, she left with a favorable 66% rating. A few Republicans create mountain out of ant hills and then….

However, Donald Trump, who has lied and screwed up thousands of lives by cheating the small business people, whom he claims to support, out of their earning, putting many out of business and out of home. He has had over 3,500 lawsuits. Most recently, a paint supplier sued for balance owed, about $34,500 on a $200,000 contract. Trump was ordered to pay $300,000 in attorney’s fees…. and STILL has not paid the contractor. 

He lies every single day he’s on the campaign trail. His lemmings never ask him one crucial question to his outrageous claims of what he will do, he alone, for everything. That question?  HOW? 

He will cut taxes to 15% for the wealthy and in full for the poor. He will get rid of ISIS in his first six months in office. He will immediately repeal Obamacare and replace it with some much better, “Believe me! Believe me!” He will cut the “increasing” flow of drugs from Mexico by building the wall. Mexico will pay for the wall. He insulted the parents of a war hero, who died saving his men, and happened to be a Muslim-American. When a mother who’s son was killed in the Benghazi attack, blamed Hillary “personally” for her son’s death, no one on the Democratic side insulted her. Even though she said Hillary should be in prison. Something Trump says every day while he awaits court orders on Trump University, to find out his fate. 

Trump says:

> Marijuana use has grow dramatically in the use U. S. under Obama.

>The United States Sentencing Commission (USSC), which compiles data on federal law enforcement efforts, recently released its latest drug trafficking statistics. And they show that federal marijuana trafficking offenses have fallen sharply since 2012, the year that Colorado and Washington residents voted to legalize marijuana. The decline continues through 2015, and continuing into 2016.

Trump says:
> actually tweeted, 
I turned down a meeting with Charles and David Koch. Much better for them to meet with the puppets of politics, they will do much better!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 30, 2016

> Charles Koch says never. No meeting was requested. They will support Senatorial and House candidates up to $750 million, but nothing for Trump. 

Trumps says:
>In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, Trump said the scheduling was so outrageous that he had heard from the NFL: “I got a letter from the NFL saying, ‘This is ridiculous. Why are the debates against—,’ because the NFL doesn’t want to go against the debates.” and the he tweeted…
As usual, Hillary & the Dems are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Same as last time w/ Bernie. Unacceptable!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 30, 2016
Now, he says: 
“It’s unfortunate that millions of voters will be disenfranchised by these chosen dates.” Disenfranchised! Sad! Sad!

Trump says: 
> We may not support NATO fully, only those countries who are up to date on their payments (3 of the 7). He might pull out of other alliances as well if he didn’t feel they benefited the US.

> It would take a Congressional Act to pull out.

> The schedules were created months ago. The RNC and DNC scheduled these debates before the NFL schedule was announced. Hillary had NOTHING to do with it. 

Unless he mean the National Federation of LIARS, the National Football League said NO LETTER WAS SENT.

Trump says: 
> Khan’s wife didn’t speak because she’s a Muslim and Muslim women aren’t allowed to speak. Paul Manafort, who used to represent the pro-Russian regime in the Ukraine and is pro-Putin, said this whole controversy  was created by the Clinton Campaign. 

> Mrs. Khan said when she saw her son’s picture walking on stage, she was too emotional to speak. She has spoken up and written about this. Paul Manafort has represented mostly questionable clients. 

Trump says:
> He never made fun of the disabled reporter. In fact he didn’t know the man.

> The answer is obvious when you see the replays. AND, that reporter has covered Trump for ten years and even had meals with him.

Trump says:
>We have 11 million illegal aliens here from Mexico. They will all be shipped back.

> First of all, if that was even attempted, the economy of this country, including Trump properties, would fall drastically. Every business utilizing the talents of these people, whom pay taxes under assumed names, knowing they will never see the refunds or benefits of those taxes. Secondly, Trumpo is not aware that 52% of the illegals are from Mexico, a dramatic reduction over previous years. The rest are simply tourists and students and visitors who have over-stayed their welcome. AND, he fully expects Mexico will pay for it. Mexico will NOT pay for the wall. Finally, how would he go about gathering up 11 million people? 

Trump Says:
> He was going to be in charge of the Republican Convention and it will be the greatest convention any party has ever thrown! He was personally picking the major celebrities and speakers. He made the decisions about the design of the stage. He created the agenda. 

> Trump now denies he had anything to do with the convention. He complained it wasn’t more jazzy. He says, “The only thing I did was show up for the speech on Thursday.” Forgetting he showed up each day, even interfering with Ted Cruz’ attention. 

Trump says: 
> John Oliver had his people call to ask me to be on his very boring and low rated show. I said "NO THANKS" Waste of time & energy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2015  He mentioned this several different times. 

> Last Week Tonight’s Twitter account quickly denied having invited the Donald onto the show:

A couple of points...
1. Yes, we have a boring show.
2. At no point did we invite Donald Trump to appear on it.
— Last Week Tonight (@LastWeekTonight) 

Oliver went into more detail, explaining that he was so taken aback by the confidence of Trump’s assertions that he had been invited that “I even checked to make sure that no one had even accidentally invited him, and of course they hadn’t.” As Oliver explained, “I’m not even sure he knows he’s lying — I think he just doesn’t care about what the truth is.”

Trump says:
>He is being advised on foreign policy by Army colonel Jack Jacobs. About a year ago, on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd asked Trump who his “go-to” advisers were on military affairs. Trump said that Jacobs, who is a frequent face on NBC and MSNBC, was one of them. “Col. Jack Jacobs is a good guy,” Trump told Todd. “And I see him on occasion.”

>Why it never happened: Because Jacobs said so. “He may have said the first person who came to mind,” Jacobs told David Corn of Mother Jones. “I know him. But I’m not a consultant. I’m not certain if he has a national security group of people. I don’t know if he does or if he doesn’t. If he does, I’m not one of them.”

Trump says:
> Paul Ryan called to congratulate him after his New York primary win.

> Ryan hadn’t spoken to Trump since their March meeting about the Republican agenda. 

Trump says:
>“I never met Putin, I don’t know who Putin is,” he said during a press conference in Florida. “He said one nice thing about me. He said I’m a genius. I said thank you very much to the newspaper and that was the end of it. I never met Putin.”

>Trump has been recorded on video, on multiple occasions, saying he met Vladimir Putin, including one meeting that couldn’t possibly have taken place. Now that their ostensibly close relationship has proven to be a political liability, he is denying, also on video, that they ever met.
Not everyone is a gifted liar.

Trump says: 
> “The IRS says I can’t release my tax returns because I’m under audit.”

> The iRS says he CAN release his returns. Nixon was under audit when he released his.

Trump says:
> "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump said, referring to the emails from Clinton's private email server that were not made public. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”   A day later, Trump said he was merely being "sarcastic," but if so, his campaign aides didn't know it when he first made the remarks. As The New York Times notes, immediately following his initial statement, aides made "statements [insisting] that Mr. Trump was urging Russia to return any purloined property to the F.B.I.”

>Many believe Trump is guilty of encouraging “espionage.” 
In a follow-up tweet, SENT AFTER the statement that he was being sarcastic, Trump repeated the invitation, but this time said the emails should be turned over to the F.B.I.

Trump says:
> He will get rid of foreigners and get Americans back to work. 

>Wednesday, mid-RNC Convention, two of Trump's clubs in Florida, including the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, where he has held multiple campaign events, were seeking to hire 78 immigrants to fill jobs for housekeepers, cooks, and servers.

I have so much more……


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