Hillary constantly under scrutiny by the so-called, “liberal media” and Republicans, especially Trump, for her ‘alleged’ violations of nonexistent laws. We are constantly hear about emails, the Foundation, Benghazi, and, even Whitewater.
Where are media and Republicans when it comes to Donald Trump? Where is the talk about the Trump University scam; RICO charges involving mail and wire fraud; Trump bilking investors, contractors, banks, and others of millions of dollars; his Russian request to undermine U. S. elections; his close ties to mafia chieftains, Tony Salerno and Paul Castellano; how he obtained his Casino license; his use of Chinese Steel and not American steel; deliberately misleading buyers about sales at Trump SOHO; his CEO registering in an empty house where he doesn’t live; his CEO’s domestic-Violence problems; his CEO’s anti-semitic remarks; the other “hoods and crooks” he has hired to run his campaign; the Trump Foundation not truly supporting charities it claims to support($800,000 in ten years?); Trump’s personal lack of charitable giving; failure to pay mandatory federal minimum wages on government owned property; whether Trump illegally secured the presidential endorsement of Ben Carson in exchange for a future cabinet a appointment, a violation of federal law; to 4,000 lawsuits; payoffs of witnesses and plaintiffs; missing witnesses; how he lied to get out of the draft; his manufacturing overseas and not paying U. S. taxes; rape; his illegal use of campaign funds (his own books at retail); bankruptcies and many missed mortgage payments; and where are his taxes? Where is media and Republicans on these issues and more
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