I find it difficult to talk to a Republican or any Trump supporter (I was about to write supporter using a Capital S, but they don't deserve it.)
For years, these lemmings have heard every possible negative thing about the Clintons. They are con-people, they are murders, they use insider information for gain, they steak from a charitable organization that has brought relief and comfort to many thousands of people in Third World countries. I have heard how Hillary is a liar, a thief, dishonest, a plagiarizer, rude, how she beats Bill, how she doesn't cook, how she gets her all clothes for free, how she has slapped servants in the White House, and more. I have not yet heard that she drown Socks in the toilet, although some republican will probably come out withy it.
Hillary is not a Muslim sympathizer (It was G. W. B.and Cheney who were good friends with the bin Ladin family, not the Clintons. She did NOT CREATE ISIS. G. W. B. and Cheney created the instability of that region which led to the creation of ISIS. Where were all of you when Bush was president? You seriously DON'T REMEMBER that period? Never heard of Cheney or Halliburton or Rumsfeld? Didn't know that al Quada WAS NOT IN IRAQ AT ALL, before Bush's illegal and unman dated attack (Check it out....The referendum they blame Hillary for signing, along with many others, gave Bush the authority to go into Afghanistan to go after al Quada training grounds, IF DIPLOMACY, NEGOTIATIONS and all else FAILED. He never negotiated with anyone but Cheney and bin Ladin.) But, Republicans blame Hilary and Obama for creating ISIS...and the lemmings believe it.
She is accused of sending along classified information, using a system other people in her position used. In fact, one of her interrogators, uses his OWN CELL and not a .gov that was furnished him. Her predecessors used private phones, but she's Hillary, so it must now suddenly be a criminal act. I've heard she should have asked for troops in Benghazi, which she DID, but Ambassador Stevens didn't want to make a big deal out of his being there. Trump says Stevens was shot...he actually died of smoke inhalation. There is so much more to list. But, it has been a CONSTANT BARRAGE for over 20 years.
The problem is, there's no there there! Everything she's accused of, everything she's accused of by REPUBLICANS, has ZERO bases of credibility. When they can't prove their lies about her, they dismiss it and easy, she's privileged or she bribed someone or made promises to someone high up. Perhaps, she wins because there's no there there! Say a lie long enough (estimated six weeks solid), people will believe it (Look at Trump's lies. They're believed). Republicans have repeated these lies for over 20 years.
And lame minded people believe the Republicans when they state, "with all these accusations, something must be true." There is a truth. They are lies. Why? Since 1996, they believed Hillary would one-day run for President. Back in 1996. Like Gingrich said of Clinton when he was elected, "That man will never get anything through Congress as long as I'm here." As McConnell said of Obama, "We will make Obama a one-term President." Republicans lie and lemmings believe the lie.
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