Black people, Hispanics and police in the U.S., get along much better than cynics and pundits believe.
Those radicals creating the ever increasing animosity are creating a problem to support their own cause, on both sides. Why? So they’ll be right. A dead person may be right, but he’s still dead. There are no martyrs in this country. Those that we’ve have turned out to be just plain people. Schools blame parents for not following through, parents are too often afraid of their kids and blame gang activity. Gangs say they don't learn anything in school or they have to make money supporting their families or themselves. Police blame drugs. Who is truly to blame.
I firmly believe the problem, as I see it, is simply education. We were taught history. We were taught manners. We were taught social values. Not only in school, but at home, church, synagogue, temple or mosque. What has happened to education is a wearing of parents to be able to control and take interest in their children. Too many parents still say, “I just don’t know what to do with him/her.”
When I was 13, I had to take a baby home for a week and share with the “mother,” another student. We had a budget (on paper), that we had to stick to. We even learned how to hold and diaper a baby. I thought everyone did that. We were taught how to use a bank-book (remember those). We were even taught how to shop. Both at home and in class.
The Republicans have cut education funding, in an effort to prove public education is no longer viable, while trying to promote private education for profit. These corporations owned by the wealthy would have their own development of and restrictions on subject matter, less- or non-educated instructors, subjective grading, and limited social development. There, essentially, would be no state or Federal control old these schools. They would be held to their own standards; make their own rule.
We pay taxes, most of which is supposed to go to public education. Republicans say, private education would allow for better use of those dollars for the state. If you read the proposals, you will find that “better use” is to subsidize the for-profit educators.
I, for one, want our mostly overpaid politicians to figure how to give our people what we pay for and stop spending our money on stupid interrogations that find no answers (but create more investigations); to support private industries making billions of dollars and getting tax subsidies to do what any other company does with their profits; to follow the Constitution int its entirety, not just one Amendment, but the actual CONSTITUTION; to stop obstructionism; to do the work they were elected to do; to stop saying “No” to every proposal without even a vote or discussion; to give an up or down to the nominee for the Supreme Court (They get paid to do that); to eliminate lobbyists and corporations from donating large amounts to their puppets (candidates); and, to work for the good people and the good of, the United States of America.
As far as education, our president, Obama or Clinton, should convene an education Conference in D.C. with the PRESIDENT IN CHARGE, personally. This Conference leader would poll the following in advance and then invite the School district supervisors from the top 50 school systems in the country, based on size, not academics; the Chairs of the Top 50 Parent-Teachers Associations in the country; the top 50 activists involved in gang activity; and, the top 50 gang leaders (alone). The Senate and House Education Committee members should also attend. Everyone who wishes to speak should be heard. Proposals should be offered and agreed upon. HEAR EACH OTHER. Four days can work out a great deal and fix U.S. Education.
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