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Showing posts from May, 2018


Once again, Trump diffuses the original story with innuendo. He makes significant threats, daily, regarding North Korea. He continues his verbal attacks against Kim Jung Un and can’t fathom why the Dictator (I mean Kim, here), has second thoughts about the meeting. Negotiation means that there would be "give and take" and many sides. One party presents “request/demands,” and the other side does likewise. Items and trade-offs are made - or not. I am certain Kim has his list prepared. Trump is demanding that North Korea completely and verifiably denuclearize, prior to the meeting. No negotiation. And, just days before final arrangements are confirmed, he threatens an “overthrow.” North Korea retaliates with a warning of a “nuclear-to-nuclear  showdown.” Square one! Both of these Autocrats are liars and can’t be trusted (look at Trump’s record). Their proclamations are often reversed within 24 hours.  Now, Trump blames the Democrats because “…they are so obvious...

Who pays for the Tax Cuts?

Trump regular brags, falsely, about “The biggest tax cuts in history.” The average citizen ends up with $2,400 per year, enough for a movie and dinner. The rich will be looking for new homes in Spain. But the citizenry is happy with their temporary cuts. That is until you figure what those small cuts cost. Fewer Federal income means less money to the states, counties, cities, towns, and all they supply. Less for education and infrastructure. With less coming in, where will the dollars come from? Income taxes in many states, Arizona included, are increasing, and other State taxes, city, county and state property taxes (which support infrastructure and education), energy taxes, utility taxes, tariffs and import duties will per going up, so will purchasing costs.  Trump wants a thirty-cent per gallon increase in gasoline taxes. If you drive 30,000 miles per year, that increase alone will cost you an extra $9,000 per year. But remember, tax cuts you supported saved you $2,400 ...


More lies regarding school safety. Pence, the sycophant, should know about lying from the Old and New Testaments - “Ye shall not bear false witness…?”   Trump, of course, has never seen or read a Bible. His recent comments regarding his signing a bill which purportedly gives $2 billion in Federal Funds for school safety is an insult to the children, teens and adults who’ve died in too many school shootings. He is simply trying to placate the surviving relatives and the NRA. His “I’m so GREAT” tour is insulting.  The bill provided only $1.7 billion - $1.1 billion of which is for schools grants programs. It will replace President Obama’s already authorized SSAE (Title IV-A), block grant of $1.6 billion. Trump wants to eliminate Title 4-A in 2019. Experts estimated that the actual amount dedicated to school safety for fifty states is about $220 million effective September 2019. Trump wants to cut safety funding to $2 million for all schools and eliminate the STOP prog...

WHERE IS THE RELIGION IN TRUMP? Point it out, please.

Millions of people still support Trump. Why? People with whom Trump has taken peace of mind, dignity, respect, pride, and more. He gave a 'tax cut.' That gave the average recipient a hundred dollars or so in their pockets. His friends got millions. However, due to these cuts, Medicare, medicine, local taxes (i.e., R.E. and property, sales, State Income) are increasing, making those tax-cuts void. In fact, the average middle-class citizen will net LESS after his cuts than before. It's all a DECEPTION.  In 2017, Trump earned $288 million. In 2018, $453+ million. How much more are you NETTING. He created potential trade wars, which will negatively affect produce producing states, then pushed significant cuts in Farm Subsidies. Farmers cannot find labor for harvests. Trump has: eliminated the Clean Air and Water Acts; cut public education funds, cut credits and increased tariffs related to ecology; cut MPG ratings; eliminated National parks. He eliminated middle-class workers...

Trump has NOI SENSE of decency

I am not a McCain supporter. However, in his aging process, and his disdain for Donald Trump, I have come to admire the man for his courage to speak out, unconcerned with his party’s opinions. His friend, Joe Biden, a man I have respected for many years, said in a statement, “People have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with this administration. It happened yesterday. Given this White House's trail of disrespect toward John and others, this staffer is not the exception to the rule; she is the epitome of it.” It’s representative of Trump. Still no admonition of Kelly Sadler or firing by Trump. McCain gave a ‘thumbs down’ on the ACA vote, and the vindictive person in the WH never forgets an ‘insult.’ This vengeful, despicable unqualified man has no decency. After he pulls out of the Iran deal, NAFTA, TPP, Paris Agreement and others, how can Kim Jung Il possibly trust him? He turns on his personal enemies and our allies and friends.

Lies ARE Contagious

An Ohio State University research study may prove that lies told by Trump and the Russian subversion campaign affected the vote against Hillary Clinton. Repetitious lies can affect everyone when used in such a continuous and insistent manner as it was. The fake stories most repeated regarded Hillary’s health and frailty after her bout with the flu, are: Trump’s constant hacking at her health and stamina throughout the campaign. After 16 months, he has now taken more long “weekends” and rounds of golf in one year than any previous president has in eight years in office; and, his self-claimed, phony endorsement by Pope Francis never happened. It was a ploy to get Christian voters; and, the ridiculous lie that Hillary approved the sale of weapons to Islamic jihadists, “including ISIS.” He twisted facts so tightly that the knots still cannot be untied. People still believe that prevarication. In all, 38% of Obama voters simply defected while an additional 11% more accepted one or all of ...

The MOST Vindictive President in History

Donald Trump continues his rampage against Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, texting, “I am right about Amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money for being their Delivery Boy. Amazon should pay these costs (plus) and not have them bourne (sic) by the American Taxpayer. Many billions of dollars. P.O. leaders don’t have a clue (or do they?)!” These accusations are more lies he made up, as he’s prone to do. A source says,  “It's been explained to him in multiple meetings that his perception is inaccurate and that the post office actually makes a ton of money from Amazon.” Like everything else, he ignores facts and prefers lies. Trump has had a years-long ‘belief’ that Amazon couldn’t be profitable without cheating people. Sound familiar. The Washington Post investigations and leaks coverage, have long angered this vindictive man. Bezos owns the Post. The U.S. Postal Service has enjoyed double-digit increases in its revenue from delivering packages for its ...


Donald J. Trump is badly in need of therapy. He has begun a deep dive into the abyss, adding to the thousands of deliberate lies he has already spoken or tweeted. My problem is how can so many people still believe in this man and even follow him into that chasm of deception and treason. Needing a reason to fire Andrew McCabe, he turns to McCabe’s wife and her losing Senate Campaign, lying about her relationship with Hillary Clinton. There was none. He lied. She did not receive funds from Clinton directly. Unfortunately, the egotistical individual in the Oval Office cannot forget that Clinton received 3 million more votes. A fact he deliberately ignores and contradicts because, to use his phrase, “He sometimes makes things up in his head.” Now, he is dying to start a war, since George W. Bush stated he wanted to be a “War-time president.” Now, despite the rules, he wants to send troops to guard the border. The problem is, there are prohibitions on using so-called Title 10 forc...

Doomed to repeat HISTORY

Hitler is the poster boy of lies. His Nazi Propaganda, based on fear and hatred, portrayed Jewish people as the enemy of all classes of society. He used coercion, terror and mass manipulation to brainwash people into believing his lies. “Those people” were responsible for all the woes and problems of Germans, rich and poor. The Jews! The aftermath of World War I was a great starting point for him to begin his quest for total world domination, when people were tired of “losing,” unaware their “failures,” were created in the mind of Hitler.  Today, we have someone in the WH creating the same hysteria that began in 1930, attacking: Muslims; Mexicans; previous administration; opponents; celebrities; Justice Department; FBI; and, Press. We have a president who now not only ignores history, he can’t remember it. ‘Those who do ignore history are doomed to repeat it’ is more than an adage. The actual phrase - ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’ - i...