An article in POLITICS shows a Civil War with Republicans with differing values across the country. Some of this information came from that article.
Overall, many differ in the GOP goals and objectives., whether it represents their goals aims and desires. The GOP is changing, and nobody knows what it will look like when the dust settles. What are they looking for? If the party DOESN’T represent THEIR goals…is it their Party because it represents them or JUST BECAUSE they are Republicans and that’s enough for them?
N.C., voters sense that a conservative revolution has arrived, and Republicans here relish the thought of overthrowing the Washington establishment and remaking the party in their own faith-driven image.They want a “Faith Driven” leader. They KNOW trump is NOT “Faith Driven,” but he does ‘protect’ Christianity.
In wealthy exurban Columbus, Ohio, there is hope that Republicans will do what they always do, fall back in line FOR THE GOOD OF THE PARTY (what that entails and means), leaving plenty of room for the country club set that has long dominated its upper echelons.
A Young Republican In Ohio
“There are plenty of young Republicans in the world, and their views are different from their parents and their grandparents,” he said. Ideas like protectionism, which were once anathema to party regulars, are being more embraced by the young Republicans he speaks with.
In Pennsylvania, they remember a different America, and he’s promising toBRING THAT AMERICA BACK..”
That expression, “BRING AMERICA BACK,” has been used for years, by both parties. But, I’d like to know, BRING AMERICA BACK TO WHAT? FROM WHAT? FOR WHO? TO WHOM?
AND, Do you believe the GOP will survive as a SINGLE entity?
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