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With Trump comes the loss of Humanity.

With the election of Donald Trump, America lost it’s humanity. We learned that this country was peopled by disenfranchised Pilgrims seeking freedom of choice to pray the way they wanted, without being ordered by the king to whom they should pray.  After England broke with the Roman Catholic Church, in order to satisfy Henry VIII’s desire for a divorce, Puritans made some gains, but not enough to satisfy Separatists, including Pilgrims. They moved on…to Holland. 

In Holland, work was scarce and difficult, pay poor. Families separated. The Pilgrims wanted to move on, spreading the gospel of the kingdom of Christ to remote parts of the world. They migrated to this new land. 

Almost three-hundred years later, many religious orders had settled in the new land, men banded together to fight for and die for their long-hep freedom of choice. They met to create an actual country, independent of British rule and free to worship as one pleases. The Founding Fathers wished to keep that freedom sacrosanct. They wrote a Constitution for that new country and deliberately included the Freedom of Choice of Religion the country was based upon. That Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. 

Today, an autocratic president, in order to save himself a seat at the feat of God, no doubt so he would become His natural successor, after many, many years of Hellish sin, has joined and encouraged a religious movement he has shunned his entire life. Now, this suddenly-aware-of-God, egotistical megalomaniac has seen the “light” (of votes). Suddenly, he has chosen to deem this a Christian Nation, void of the heretics: Jews, Muslims, Baha’i, Buddhists, Agnostics, Atheists, Sikhs, Hindus and every other non-Christian order. He has proclaimed this country a Christian Nation. 

Yet, within that religion, as in virtually every religion, the key factor is that of the humanity of people for people. Humans are meant to have and show compassion. For over 225 years, that humanity lived in most. Of course, since we can think on our own, There have been zealots that believed that they were the Only Ones who could Fix Problems. Dictators, autocrats, authoritarians, fascists, potentates, martinets, oppressors, rulers, tyrants, emperors, despots and more, who’ve come and gone. The greatest majority of these people, ended up dead or imprisoned. The United States has been relatively free of such characters. However, after over 235 years, have found our own. A person who lacks any degree of caring for anyone but himself. EVERY SINGLE NEWS INTERVIEW or EVERY SPEECH HE GIVES, talks about how great he is and how great his latest victory or accomplishment was. Name one other President of the United States who EVER told us how great he was after winning a war or an issue. Not even Teddy Roosevelt did that. 

This president is in it for his own vanity, ego and glory. Not a word out of his mouth is true. Not a word. Not a problem we have is true. Not one. Not a statement he makes, which will be contradicted by HIMSELF within 24 hours, is true. Not one.  They are not even simple exaggerations. He makes them up in his own head. Total Fabrications. Even his denials are lies. Even when he is on camera, on tape, using his own personal #potus tweet account, he denies it later and criticizes those who brought it up. 

But, this is only the person who delivers the lies. Worse than this despicable individual are: those who support him, NO MATTER WHICH SIDE OF THE ISSUE HE’S ON THAT DAY; those who KNOW he’s lying, even SAYING they know he’s lying, and support him or voted for him anyway; those who simply don’t care because, “They’re all the same. It doesn’t matter. Nothing will change” (Well, it’s changed.);  those in his administration who despise him, hate him and serve him for the paycheck and resume filling titles; those who have to knowingly lie for him as “spokespeople,” (Why does a president need translators) to explain, everyday, what he really meant when he made some outrageous tweet at 3:00 a. m. BTW, these USUALLY ALWAYS contradict what he DID SAY.

This man wants to get rid of Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, Arabs who could look like they MIGHT BE Muslims, Hispanics who look like they MIGHT BE Muslims, Italians who look like they MIGHT BE Muslims. He wants to cut benefits to the poor. He wants to eliminate support for public education; support for working single mothers (“If they have children, there’s no reason in the world they should be single. Stay together for the children” (he did with Ivana and Marla and soon to be Melania). He said NO to cutting Medicare and Social Security. BUT NOW HE’S RECONSIDERING THOSE CUTS. Abolishing the ACA would put 21 to 30 million people on the streets without healthcare. He doesn’t care. One day, no cuts to ACA, next day, abolish it. 

He has jeopardized major Big Businesses in the country. Boeing, Lockheed, Nordstroms, and more, casting their stocks to drop dramatically with a single tweet. He is unaware that millions of people in the world will react to one word in one tweet. Doesn’t care.

Tornados in New Orleans, major HEAVY storms almost destroy East Coast…where’s FEMA? He doesn’t know he’s supposed to order FEMA into these areas for relief. He believed the CIA stood as an homage to him. He was unaware they won’t sit UNTIL HE TELLS THEM TO SIT. It was NO HOMAGE, but a punishment to make them stand while he bragged about his FALSE election numbers. 

By the way, his personally ordered attack (created and organized by Steve Bannon) in Yemen was done to capture Al Qaeda leader, Qassim Al-Rimi, not to kill Chief Petty Officer William "Ryan" Owens and an 8-year-old American girl. Al-Rimi got away. Trump and his “people” claimed it was a huge success. The did not get the info they were sent to gather and Al-Rimi got away. “America doesn’t win anymore,” I guess, under Trump. BTW, again. Under Obama’s rule, ISIS will be out of Mosul AND Raaka within six months. Trump will take FULL CREDIT for it, of course. 


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