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Only in office 5 days and HOLY HELL. GIVE US BACK AMERICA.

There is so much SHIT coming out of the Trump presidency thus far. Every single day, more lies than facts. We have major problems to handle in violence, health care, seniors, poverty, education, children, budget approvals, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iraq, and more in our own country. Yet, Donald Trump has devoted his time to HIS OWN IMAGE. How doers it look for him, to be elected president , with the most votes, the most electoral votes EVER, the best approval ratings, the best TC-Q identity, and more, egocentrically motivated crap. Everything he does is and will be oNLY because of him. Such as the lie of "saving a business" from moving to Mexico that had been scheduled to move since May of 2015. MOST intelligent Americans know, if Trump says "it's daytime outside," you better go check for yourself, even at high noon. The man cannot tell the truth about anything except, if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he'd "hit on her?" The only true statement he made in the entire campaign. 
His loyal, uninformed troop of Trumpeteers believe every word out of his mouth, except the true ones, so why not the claim about Ivanka?
In his speeches and writings (whoever wrote them), he often talks of how LYING can and will get you the results you want. He tells people he's lying to them, TO THEIR FACE, and THAT they don't believe. I have never seen any phenomenon like that, not even on Twilight Zone. 
Up is Down; Down is up; In is Out; Out is In. 
Eventually, the Boy Who Cried Wolf does come into play. Now the shepherd boy is President of the United States. His lies now become problems, dangerous to EVERY AMERICAN and the country itself. 
Since taking the oath, his lies affect the economies of the world; the peace of the world; the freedoms we have fought for; our lives. And since becoming president, he has moved the Doomsday Clock to it's closest to 12 than it's been since the Missile Crisis in 1964. Only, we do not have John Kennedy in office. 
Americans, we have been lied to. Plain English, which will soon become the ONLY official language, making it a crime to speak any other language in this country. Of course, Trump followers will deny anything that doesn’t come out of his mouth, so, let's see what he says....: 
“If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!” Meaning military intervention. Martial Law in Chicago? NO, he is actually considering sending in Federal Troops in ANY city where major crime is occurring, or ANY city that doesn't appear to be following his rules. For example, "sanctuary cities..."
“I will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it.” Seems, we’ll be paying for it by diverting previously dedicated Federal funds. Maybe we can Mexico to pay us back later.
“If America is hurting, I’ll be there.” Governors of three tornado-infested states requested FEMA help after recent tornadoes. Trump did nothing. 
“We had the largest crowd ever at an inaugural ceremony.” Not really. Not according to all available media and administrative proof.
“Three to five million unregistered Immigrants voted illegally.” Zero evidence. None. Yet refuses to ask for a Congressional investigation. It is just a "hunch." He says, "when I gave the speech and looked ou there, I saw perhaps a million people there." The mall won't hold a million people and all transportation information shows otherwise.
“The CIA gave me a standing ovation and never sat down.” They can’t sit unless he tells them to. He didn’t. They laughed at many of his inane comments, he thought in support. Only CIA staff who voted for him was allowed at this event.
“I will NEVER touch Social Security or Medicare.” Oh, my. His own OMB nominee, Mick Mulvaney, says those promises “are totally unrealistic,” and “…going to be broken. That's why he nominated me."
“You will have access to any Department, including me.” He put a gag order on the USDA and EPA, allowing NO statements to the press, interviews or press releases. Trump has banned USDA scientists and other employees in its main research division from publicly sharing everything from the summaries of scientific papers to USDA-branded tweets.
Today, Trump will order the construction of a Mexican border wall — the first in a series of actions this week to crack down on immigrants and bolster national security, including slashing the number of refugees who can resettle in the United States and blocking Syrians and others from “terror prone” nations from entering, at least temporarily. This despite the fact that NO MONEY HAS BEEN ALLOCATED. He says we should divert it from other Federal Programs, Like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, etc. 
He also wants to revise the Army Field Manual so that torture is within the rules. 
"I believe in our constitution." Except, he doesn't. The major pro lem he has is with the First Amendment. He wishes to place all sorts of restrictions on a "free press," including arrests and felony charges if doesn't like what's being said. He seriously proposed during the campaign, making it a Federal Crime to criticize the President. 
The proposed orders could lead to sweeping and controversial changes in the way the United States conducts itself at home and around the globe in the name of security, potentially leading to the reinstatement of policies that have been repudiated by much of the world.
He said campaign was all about the people, but now, it's all about himself and his image. Even though he seemingly won the election and is in office, he cannot get rid of the fact he wasn't the BEST. 
Yesterday, after praising the President on the House floor for things like his “stamina,” and “conviction,” Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) criticized the press for, in his view, skipping over the Trump's positive attributes.
“No, the national liberal media won’t print that or air it or post it,” Smith said. “Better to get your news directly from the President. In fact, it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth.” WHHaaatttt?!?!?
Of course, his followers can't read this thing. It's too long, and without he attention span of their idol, approximately 43 seconds. it will be lost on them.


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