There is so much SHIT coming out of the Trump presidency thus far. Every single day, more lies than facts. We have major problems to handle in violence, health care, seniors, poverty, education, children, budget approvals, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iraq, and more in our own country. Yet, Donald Trump has devoted his time to HIS OWN IMAGE. How doers it look for him, to be elected president , with the most votes, the most electoral votes EVER, the best approval ratings, the best TC-Q identity, and more, egocentrically motivated crap. Everything he does is and will be oNLY because of him. Such as the lie of "saving a business" from moving to Mexico that had been scheduled to move since May of 2015. MOST intelligent Americans know, if Trump says "it's daytime outside," you better go check for yourself, even at high noon. The man cannot tell the truth about anything except, if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he'd "hit on her?" The only true statement...