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Showing posts from January, 2017

Only in office 5 days and HOLY HELL. GIVE US BACK AMERICA.

There is so much SHIT coming out of the Trump presidency thus far. Every single day, more lies than facts. We have major problems to handle in violence, health care, seniors, poverty, education, children, budget approvals, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iraq, and more in our own country. Yet, Donald Trump has devoted his time to HIS OWN IMAGE. How doers it look for him, to be elected president , with the most votes, the most electoral votes EVER, the best approval ratings, the best TC-Q identity, and more, egocentrically motivated crap. Everything he does is and will be oNLY because of him. Such as the lie of "saving a business" from moving to Mexico that had been scheduled to move since May of 2015. MOST intelligent Americans know, if Trump says "it's daytime outside," you better go check for yourself, even at high noon. The man cannot tell the truth about anything except, if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he'd "hit on her?" The only true statement...
The world has gone inside out, not Upside Down.  What in the world has happened. I believe the Russians have poisoned the water supplies of all Western Countries. Trump's win and audacious claims and Tweet attacks, Germany's decision below, ISIS destroying 2000+ year-old relics and dismembering bodies, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney approving of Torture, and so many strange, unusual acts against mankind and humanity.  Trump attacked John Lewis today, This small-penised tall Leprechaun who got draft deferments for  fictitious foot problems (can't even remember which foot), has the temerity to attack a hero of the Civil Rights movement. Sessions as Attorney General? WHAT? Rick "oops" Perry as Secretary of Energy, the department he forgot he wanted to shut down, a private school owner and advocate to head Education, a guy who lived in poverty 55 years ago for Housing, because he's black? The United States of America is lookin...
Hair Donald Trump lives in an anatropous world. He stated that the press and media TRUTH were all lies and his LIES were all the truth. He attacked CNN, the most watched Network, now that Fox is down in the ratings. When a CNN reporter wanted to ask a question, Trump denied him the opportunity (RIGHT OF THE FREE PRESS) just BECAUSE he was from CNN.  He called the press and media all FAKE NEWS, while Steve Bannon runs his life and Breibart supports everything he says. He beli eves Putin is a friend and the intelligence bureaus are inefficient and a disaster. He repeats that all of the positives of the ACA are false. Made up lies, while stating they have a plan being out together and will have a plan shortly, while throughout the campaign, he said he HAD A PLAN READY TO GO. Was that a LIE or the TRUTH? He's waiting for his advisers to come up with a plan to get rid of ISIS, which he said the Obama administration has done NOTHING to address. Yet, throughout the campaign, he stated...

Why is Trump getting a free ride from everyone?

Donald Trump is getting a free ride from the Republican Congress, media and investigative reporters. Outwardly, they seem to object to his Tweeting, inane comments and obvious lack of interest in the whole process. Officially, they support everything he does. Where are the witch hunts Obama suffered regarding his citizenship, his religion, his anti-American ties, his "radicalism," his seizure of our guns. Thinking to yourself - honestly - what do you think Congress would do if Hillary did the same things Trump is doing now? Tweeting American policy in 140 characters? Firing ALL Ambassadors and leaving us without coverage throughout the world (NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE)? Ambassadors stay put until a new one is in place, often meeting during the change over. Not under Trump. (Does he have the authority to fire them? He has not yet been sworn in?)   If Hillary had done ONE of those things, one, she would probably not make it to January 20, or her four years would be a 146...