Hypocritical Republicans. Talk about and promote Family Values and sucker many, including some of my own friends into believing they protect the family, into believing them, without question. Yet, where are they when Republicans cut education budgets, medical care for the poor and disabled children? Where are they when they say a woman an be raped and the perpetrator may win visiting rights, but the victim has no right to receive support for the child of rape? Ridiculous!! Where are these FDamily Value Republicans when it comes time for equal pay in order that a woman can support her family alone, without an abusivce husband? The Hypocrite Party continues to dismantle the rights of women in voting, matters of choice, contraception and reproductive health and rights, abortion restrictions in many forms: bans, long, unnecessary waiting periods, ultrasound tests, insurance coverage reductions and restrictions, clinic regulations, medication abortions. There are more FALSE women's "advisory" clinics across the country than real abortion advisory clinics, giving lying, misleading, denigrating, slanderous information to unsuspecting young women, in the guise of "helping" them make a true decision. They have created taxes($2,000 to $3,000) for having an abortion. Made any doctor providing an abortion being arrested for murder. In Wisconsin, a non-married, single mother can be declared unfit as a parent because she's "causing abuse to the child." BUT NOT A SINGLE MALE PARENT. It states the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board shall emphasize “nonmarital parenthood” as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect.” The Hypocrite Party creator of the bill says that women in abusive relationships – the reason so many of them are single parents in the first place – ought to just take a beating and stay married: ‘If they can refind those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help,’ Tell me that is NOT misogynistic.
Bob Evans and Wes Keller, Hypocrite Party Congressmen, voted against support for the Girls Scouts because refused to honor the Girl Scouts because, as he told fellow lawmakers, they ” promote homosexual lifestyles” and study “feminists, lesbians, or Communists” as role models while ignoring those with a religious background.”
Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey, has proposed a bill “that would ban the use of aborted human fetuses in food, despite conceding that he’s unaware of any company using such a practice,” The state's Supreme Court also overturned a Republican Bill that was passed that declared a woman's eggs were a human being.
Tennessee has proposed a law that make "miscarriages," a criminal offense for which the woman may be prosecuted.
A radical Arizona State Representative offered a bill to force a woman to watch a live abortion before having one herself.
No, there is no War on Women......
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