This is totally misleading and false. Net Neutrality means that all traffic, that means data, traveling across the internet should be treated the same at each stage of the process. That roughly means that whether a particular packet of data is video from Netflix , HTML from the Guardian, or a P2P file being sent across BitTorrent, it's given the SAME priority along the same routes as each other. NO ONE has priority access, or a "fast lane.” NO ONE would have to pay more to get faster service or data speed. Netflix and Guardian send the data at the same speed. ALL OF THEIR CLIENTS RECEIVE THE SAME DATA AT THE SAME SPEED! This is one of the key principles around the governance and structure of the internet, and one the FCC and the previous Obama administration both supported. Without Net Neutrality, Netflix can send data to your neighbor at a faster speed, IF THEY OPT TO PAY EXTRA, and you would receive it free at a slightly slower speed or lower cost. Abolish...