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Showing posts from October, 2016
Trump is counting on the uneducated among his followers, the majority, it appears, not to know that. However, they believe Trump when he says on his first day in office, he will repeal Obamacare, Immigration Laws and ALL trade agreements. THAT they also believe. And, who objects when the intelligence level of his supporters is questioned? They do, because he TELLS them to. Repeal requires 2/3 of Congress to approve and THEN, only THEN, 3/4 of the states must agree. That's 37 States must concur.  Trump claims Hillary will just "Do it," and that, if elected, he will also just "Do it." No understanding of the Constitution or why it works.   Ironically, a group of Trump supporters are calling for the appeal of the 19th Amendment PRIOR TO THE ELECTION. They, also, have no clue.

When does the madness STOP!

When does this madness stop? It is the greatest insult to the US since Pearl Harbor. Attacks against our brave men was an insult and Trump's constant rattling of his vocal cords, wherever they're located(I suspect somewhere covered by the seat of his pants) is an insult to what they represented, freedom and decency

Many of Trump's supporters ARE deplorable.

It is amazing how Hillary's term, about half of Trump's followers being deplorables. Of course, we don't consider, Skinheads, the KKK, White Supremacists, White Nationalists, the NAZI Party, the Reich Wing, the uneducated, racists, militias, gun-toting vigilantes, xenophobes, misogynists, miscreants, untrained and unwilling to be trained, anti-Semites, anti-Immigrationists, anti-Mexicans, Extreme Religious Fanatics, anarchists, Fascists, and, I assume, "Some are... good people." About 40% of his followers may not fall into the categories above, but why are THEY in the Trump mob. Are they wealthy and wishing to keep their dollars protected from taxes while the "little guys" work? Are they trying to protect big businesses in which they've invested and reap benefits? Are they simply mesmerized by Trump? Are they part of the "hippies" of the 1960's (supposedly grown up, now), simply who've made their money, now the Hell with the ...